View Full Version : Leukemia Fears

05-05-22, 17:25
Hi everyone,

I'm currently scared that I have leukemia.

For those who don't know me, I'm 21 years old and I'm a male.

My symptoms are:

Petechiae (burst blood vessels under the skin) when scratching hard. I've noticed this for years but now I feel like I'm seeing it more often.
I have a really weird 2.5cm-ish purple mark on my inner groin that I just noticed about 20 minutes ago. Here's a non-graphic photo of it. (https://imgur.com/a/WWPGuDM) It's sort of concave, like maybe I scratched that region and left an impression. I could be wrong about scratching it. But either way, why is it that color?
Itchy patch on chest. My chest was really itchy last night and I ended up scratching it red-raw, causing petechiae. It doesn't really itch now, it's just sore.
I noticed a very fine crack on the surface of one of my teeth, which is weird because I brush etc.
My nose bled a little this morning. I was scratching inside of my left nostril and then it started bleeding slightly. Easy bleeding is a sign of leukemia.

I know people with leukemia are generally very ill, but I can't help worrying. A family friend died of it quite recently so it's on my mind a lot.

Thanks for reading.

05-05-22, 17:46
I take it you've been googling US sites as you are not using the English spelling?

I'm very sorry that you have lost a family friend. It explains why you have latched on to this. Are you trying to manage your HA through self-help?

05-05-22, 17:59
I take it you've been googling US sites as you are not using the English spelling?

I'm very sorry that you have lost a family friend. It explains why you have latched on to this. Are you trying to manage your HA through self-help?

My auto-correct uses American English as its default, and I've worried about leukemia before so there's not much more for me to Google about it at this point.

Thanks, I wasn't close to her but it was definitely sad and she was only 29.

I'm not trying to manage my HA because it was basically dormant before this fear, which came out of nowhere.

I know I probably don't have leukemia but I can't help but worry because of these symptoms. Should I see my GP?

05-05-22, 18:09
What do you think the doctor would say?

06-05-22, 04:53
I just found this from 7 years ago:


I can't believe I'm worrying about the same thing with the same symptoms

I'll try to let it go. I'm just scared of the what ifs.