View Full Version : Bruise on lower right stomach freaking out!!

06-05-22, 19:30
So yesterday I posted about having lower right stomach pain next to my belly button and being afraid it could be appendicitis. Well yesterday I was pressing around my stomach to see if it was tender and this morning I woke up with this bruise in my right lower stomach. Of course I googled like a idiot and it said a bruise may be a sign of a Ruptured aneurysm. Now obviously I know if my aorta just burst is more then likely be dead by now but I’m scared I might have a slow bleed and it’s causing the pain and the bruise. Do you think the bruise could be from me pressing on my stomach yesterday or should I worry.

06-05-22, 21:11
Yes I think the bruise is either from you pressing it, or something else that caused the pain which then bruised. It’s not something awful, it’s just a bruise. Put some ice on it if you want, but it should fade in a day or two.