View Full Version : monkeypox

07-05-22, 21:25
so I've just been reading (I know, never a good idea when it comes to health) of a confirmed case of monkeypox in a london hospital

I read that the virus is a killer, too

just wondering how anxious I need to be about it and how alert

08-05-22, 07:02
The answer to your question is "don't give it a second thought, there's no chance of you getting it."

There was an article on the BBC News website which said:

"Monkeypox is a rare viral infection from which most people recover in a few weeks, according to the NHS.

The UKHSA said monkeypox does not spread easily between people and the risk to the wider public was very low."


08-05-22, 09:16
just wondering how anxious I need to be about it and how alert

No need to go out and fill a supermarket trolley with bog roll and pasta. It's very, very, rare..

Only a few people have been diagnosed with monkeypox in the UK.
These people had all travelled to west Africa or were close contacts of someone who had travelled to west Africa. (NHS website)