View Full Version : Coughing up white mucus in the morning

08-05-22, 17:30
Hi everyone,

Yesterday and today I noticed I cough up this white mucus. It feels so thick and it takes me a while to get it out. Many many coughs. Drinking water helps to get it out sooner.

Yesterday I coughed up some when I first woke up and didn’t have any throughout the day. This morning the same thing, I coughed some up upon waking up.

I’ve been dealing with an annoying cough since January after having COVID. Some wheezing maybe once or twice a month. But I also have chronic allergies to pollen and dust mites. I take an allergy pill every night. I also sleep with my humidifier on.

Any ideas what this could be? I suspect I have asthma but I got tested 4 years ago using a pulmonary function test but it came back clear. I also did a chest X-ray back in February that was clear too. I speak with my doctor tomorrow. I might request another chest X-ray.

Thank you.

08-05-22, 18:07
I have been the same really all my life - not coughing it up so much but I'm very mucusy! My mum has been complaining of coughing it up after having COVID so it seems pretty common on top of your allergies. That does tend to produce mucus! Try not to worry - it all seems good :)

09-05-22, 01:38
I have been the same really all my life - not coughing it up so much but I'm very mucusy! My mum has been complaining of coughing it up after having COVID so it seems pretty common on top of your allergies. That does tend to produce mucus! Try not to worry - it all seems good :)

Hello Ellie,

Thank you for this! I guess since it’s only in the morning it isn’t too bad.
Do you have allergies? Seems like COVID has made mine way worse. But good to know that it seems like it’s common!