View Full Version : Hello my current fixation is worry about sun exposure and skin cancer

09-05-22, 10:30
I really dont know how to get around this fear i feel scared all the time im worried about UV exposure indoors due to reading about people wearing sun cream everyday even if they are not in direct sunlight. Im worrying also cause UV rays can bounce off painted walls and the walls is my room are painted yellow and i spend most of my time in here. It all stemmed from me having to go out in the car for 10-15mins and i didn't wear sun cream then i googled it which i know is stupid and started seeing all this information about indirect sunlight and the harm it can have on your skin etc. Has anyone else experienced these worries if so how did you get over them i just feel in constant fear ive put up blackout curtains in my room but it still lets in light and im worrying about that reflecting off the walls and damaging my skin and eventually giving me skin cancer. My best friends mum passed away from terminal Melanoma skin cancer at the age of 44 which doesn't help me think my obsession with this mainly stemmed from that as this fear has come and gone.

09-05-22, 14:08
I don't know what you're 'reading' but this is totally a non-issue. Don't know what else can be said :shrug:


09-05-22, 15:19
I don't know what you're 'reading' but this is totally a non-issue. Don't know what else can be said :shrug:


Its mainly from the skin addiction reddit there's a lot of suncream worshippers on there that believe you should be wearing it everyday even when indoors and not in direct sunlight and its scared me I guess cause now im worrying as i have not been wearing it in doors as i work from home most of the time

09-05-22, 15:32
Surely the whole world would have skin cancer if you were exposed to the sun inside - this sounds like complete nonsense to me and I wouldn't give it a second thought.

Where is the scientific evidence to back this theory up?

09-05-22, 16:59
Surely the whole world would have skin cancer if you were exposed to the sun inside - this sounds like complete nonsense to me and I wouldn't give it a second thought.

Where is the scientific evidence to back this theory up?

Well its mainly from dermatologists like Dr Dray on YouTube who advise you should be reapplying suncream even indoors 3 times a day which seems extremely excessive there are others also who preach this

09-05-22, 18:57
It's a good idea to use sunscreen, yes. But sun damage is more than just deadly skin cancer - a lot of people want to avoid wrinkles and brown spots, which are also caused by the sun. And the truth is that most skin cancers, even if you had one, are really easily dealt with.

I'm sorry for your friend's mum. That must be really hard and it's no surprise that it would have triggered you. If you are worried, maybe you could talk to your GP or a derm about sunscreen recommendations? But that would mainly be for use outside as getting skin cancer indoors would be next to impossible I think.

I do understand your concerns - I'm a borderline ginger and I burn incredibly easily so I have to use a pretty high SPF sunscreen, even on my face (especially on my face). The moisturizers with like 15 or 30 SPF don't cut it. And I have certainly worried about skin cancer, even my parents have had skin cancer - but it wasn't the "bad kind" and was removed in one appointment. So it's certainly something to be aware of and vigilant about but please don't let yourself panic.

09-05-22, 20:30
It's a good idea to use sunscreen, yes. But sun damage is more than just deadly skin cancer - a lot of people want to avoid wrinkles and brown spots, which are also caused by the sun. And the truth is that most skin cancers, even if you had one, are really easily dealt with.

I'm sorry for your friend's mum. That must be really hard and it's no surprise that it would have triggered you. If you are worried, maybe you could talk to your GP or a derm about sunscreen recommendations? But that would mainly be for use outside as getting skin cancer indoors would be next to impossible I think.

I do understand your concerns - I'm a borderline ginger and I burn incredibly easily so I have to use a pretty high SPF sunscreen, even on my face (especially on my face). The moisturizers with like 15 or 30 SPF don't cut it. And I have certainly worried about skin cancer, even my parents have had skin cancer - but it wasn't the "bad kind" and was removed in one appointment. So it's certainly something to be aware of and vigilant about but please don't let yourself panic.

I really appreciate the reply i just dont know how to get past this like im trying to distract myself but i literally didnt sleep last night and its affecting my work also i cant focus cause im always scared my skin is being damaged, it sounds stupid but im actually terrified and its horrible i got off work today and i just felt like doing nothing im trying to tell myself to just use it when im in the sun etc but i just cant stop googling. Think i might have to go to the doctors and try and get some help im really not sure what else to do im taking propanalol for anxiety but ive only taken it last night and today as i felt better last week and then all this came about. I feel so miserable and scared to the point it makes me tear up when im talking to my family about it i hate it. Its like i just went out at 7pm in the UK the UV rating was 0 and i was worried about not reapplying suncream which i would of never thought of before these worries. Its just exhausting...

09-05-22, 21:18
It is exhausting, anxiety is terrible. I'm not sure what resources are available to you or what your best course of action is, but talking to your doctor about these issues is probably best as they can help you plan a path forward. Asking for skin care tips regarding the sun and UV rays is helpful for general knowledge, but this is a true anxiety spiral so that alone isn't going to be beneficial - you need to treat the anxiety.

I wish I had better advice for you; I know just how rotten it is and how terrible the anxiety makes you feel. But you can find a path forward, somehow.

10-05-22, 00:43
Its mainly from the skin addiction reddit

:doh: Ok then!


10-05-22, 20:28
It is exhausting, anxiety is terrible. I'm not sure what resources are available to you or what your best course of action is, but talking to your doctor about these issues is probably best as they can help you plan a path forward. Asking for skin care tips regarding the sun and UV rays is helpful for general knowledge, but this is a true anxiety spiral so that alone isn't going to be beneficial - you need to treat the anxiety.

I wish I had better advice for you; I know just how rotten it is and how terrible the anxiety makes you feel. But you can find a path forward, somehow.

Yeah i Am going to go to the doctors tomorrow to try and get some help i basically feel as if i have doomed myself to skin cancer by not applying sun cream indoors everyday im trying to rationalise it but its very difficult as ive read all this stuff about people saying how dangerous it is even if you are close to a window that is shut and you have the curtains shut.

10-05-22, 21:50
Yeah i Am going to go to the doctors tomorrow to try and get some help....

I'm glad to hear this. This fear is beyond irrational and getting help is the most prudent and logical thing to do. There are some fears that a reply with facts and reassurance one can benefit from but this fear, based on rational factual evidence has no reassurance. It's just not realistic in the least. Think about it... letting sunlight into your home can cause skin cancer? Really? Uhhhh... NO!

I hope your doctor takes you seriously and prescribes medication and therapy.


12-05-22, 05:02
I really dont know how to get around this fear i feel scared all the time im worried about UV exposure indoors due to reading about people wearing sun cream everyday even if they are not in direct sunlight. Im worrying also cause UV rays can bounce off painted walls and the walls is my room are painted yellow and i spend most of my time in here. It all stemmed from me having to go out in the car for 10-15mins and i didn't wear sun cream then i googled it which i know is stupid and started seeing all this information about indirect sunlight and the harm it can have on your skin etc. Has anyone else experienced these worries if so how did you get over them i just feel in constant fear ive put up blackout curtains in my room but it still lets in light and im worrying about that reflecting off the walls and damaging my skin and eventually giving me skin cancer. My best friends mum passed away from terminal Melanoma skin cancer at the age of 44 which doesn't help me think my obsession with this mainly stemmed from that as this fear has come and gone.

The biggest mistake that you can make is actually reading stuff on the internet about health and diseases.

The most basic thing you can do as a sufferer from health anxiety, is NEVER subject yourself to health boards, googling etc. Avoid it the way you avoid walking into oncoming traffic.

So if you haven't stopped reading that stuff now, then first fix that problem and move on from there.

12-05-22, 19:29
The biggest mistake that you can make is actually reading stuff on the internet about health and diseases.

The most basic thing you can do as a sufferer from health anxiety, is NEVER subject yourself to health boards, googling etc. Avoid it the way you avoid walking into oncoming traffic.

So if you haven't stopped reading that stuff now, then first fix that problem and move on from there.

Yeah you are so right today was awful i legit just sat in bed all day worrying about it im trying to tell myself its not an issue but just cant seem to get past this. Ive seen the doctor now and got some tablets to help me sleep and for anxiety so im hoping that helps im just gonna make sure i use sun cream if im feeling anxious about it and tell myself im doing everything i can and of course saying off reddit/forums etc. I have also self referred for some therapy but i doubt that will come through for a while.