View Full Version : Inflammatory breast cancer

09-05-22, 16:59
Hello everyone. I’m hoping to get any reassurance here as quickly as possible as I’m panicking right now. Ok so I noticed about three or four days ago, a red rash type mark on my breast next to and slightly touching my nipple. It was sensitive to the touch and was itchy. I did notice a small lump maybe the size of a peanut maybe smaller in the red area. Now it was soft and moveable which reassured me. So I assumed it was an ingrown hair or just a cyst. However I noticed this morning there is now a small yellowish patch next to the red. The red patch went down in size. But now there’s a yellow patch. Like a bruise. I did pinch the area a few times a couple days ago to see if it was a pimple so maybe that’s why there’s a yellow bruise? But the yellow bruise happened two days after me pinching it. I heard it takes up to 5 days. But maybe I’m just overthinking??

12-05-22, 05:00
This sounds like a bruise to me. Show your gp if you’re worried but this sounds a lot like a bruise. I thought I had inflammatory breast cancer once and it turned out to be a bruise. I only felt reassured by the doctor though.

12-05-22, 19:34
I get bruises on my breasts sometimes when my cat steps on me. Granted, he's a big guy but I would certainly expect that pinching and prodding could cause your skin to bruise.

The redness is going down; that's enough to tell you that it was something like an ingrown hair and it is resolving. The bruise will resolve itself in a few days.