View Full Version : Hysteroscopy or not ?

11-05-22, 22:20
Hi all to cut a long story short I had some mid cycle spotting end of December which then carried on in jan feb and March with it my periods were irregular and 2 were very light, the bleeding all ways took place second half of cycle

My gp thought it was hormones but because I was worrying about it so much she arranged an ultrasound and also referred me to gynaecology she said she’s referring me not because she thinks theres something wrong but for my assurance as I had a bleed after sex and it really scared me the reality of it was I came on 2 days after so that’s what probs triggered the bleed.

Fast forward had my ultrasound on Sunday, she said structurally everything looked good she couldn’t see my right ovary as my bowel kept hiding it but told me this is normal and my gp said my lining was 10.4mm she asked me the last day of my
Last period so she said the thickness is correct for someone that far long in their cycle as I was on day 23.

Now my appointment with the gynaecology has finally come through end of June a week before I go on holiday and I am really scared what they’ll say I managed to speak to the consultants secretary who said don’t worry he won’t carry out any proceedure and he will probably pull out my ultrasound results. However I am really worried that he will rescan and find something etc the usual HA thoughts and I think I won’t be able to enjoy holiday.

The spotting has worn off for now and I’m not having any heavey periods etc just wanted to ask you guys if with a normal ultrasound would they still do a hysterscopy or not ? I’m just a nervous wreck at the moment not knowing what to expect even though my gp said my ultrasound was normal and I just don’t want it lingering over my head on holiday tbh as I will keep worrying which will then spoil others holiday as well

12-05-22, 06:35
The spotting has worn off for now and I’m not having any heavey periods etc just wanted to ask you guys if with a normal ultrasound would they still do a hysterscopy or not ? I’m just a nervous wreck at the moment not knowing what to expect even though my gp said my ultrasound was normal and I just don’t want it lingering over my head on holiday tbh as I will keep worrying which will then spoil others holiday as well

In my experience, no. I had a hysteroscopy because my womb lining was thicker than it should be (post-menopause) and the symptom I was scanned for was a post-meno bleed. (and this turned out to be a one off)

13-05-22, 09:49
I think this really depends on the gynaecologist, and not necessarily on the results of your ultrasound scan!
When I was referred to gynae, I was lucky that it was a bit of a one stop shop.
I had an abdominal ultrasound followed by a transvaginal ultrasound. Then 20 mins later I was called in to see the gynaecologist who did a colposcopy and hysteroscopy despite finding nothing concerning on the ultrasounds.
Not gonna lie, at the time I was hoping they wouldn’t do all those tests, but in hindsight I’m glad they did, because it gives a much higher reassurance afterwards!

I guess it’s unlikely they’d find anything significant if you USS was clear anyway! So I’m sure you have every reason to relax and look forward to your holiday regardless of if they do a hysteroscopy or not.
I’m kinda in the same boat as you with that one though…I have a holiday in two weeks and have a huge health concern that I doubt I’ll even get seen before my holiday. I think going on holiday with the fear will be so much worse! I’m sure you’ll be reassured and have a lovely holiday!

13-05-22, 13:36
Thank you guys ! Well I had a bit of spotting yesterday again only once so not sure if I wipped to hard it really fresh and just a few dots.
The only thing keeping me sane at the moment is the ultrasound was normal but it’s always the what ifs that bug me.

My gp refffered me to the gynae even before I had my ultrasound because I was so worried so now I’m thinking in the normal circumstances in situations like this what would they do if the scan was normal but spotting was still occurring would I have just been offered hormonal tablets
In all honesty I don’t want to go through any extra invasive tests if there is no need for it and they only doing it for my assurance.

@limeslime mines defo not a one stop clinic I was referred on a routine basis and the clinic I’m attending is only held once a month in a community hospital in the town next to me I did ask if If there was any slots available at the main women & new born centre in the main hospital but she’s said it’s different clinics there so I just have to wait for this one so no idea what going to occur it’s the not knowing that gets me and then having to go with what ever they said on holiday I will feel like a ticking time bomb all the time when I’m there hate that feeling. And I also don’t like when they give me the choices for investigations this is because as a person who deals with HA you want every type of test going because of the just incase situation and if I didn’t take it on if they give me a choice I’d still think what if can’t win ! I just keep thinking that although in the scan it was normal what if he does another one and he finds something etc I just wish all these symptoms would go away ! And let me live in peace just for a while but no there is always something going on ! Luckily some of my CBT techniques do help which keeps me sane

13-05-22, 16:42
They’ll probably offer you a coil to stop the bleeding if they think it’s hormonal.
Your scan was clear, they’re not gonna find anything nasty now! They’ll be looking for benign reasons for the bleeding. I was told things like adenomyosis and endometriosis can’t be picked up on USS, they need to do a biopsy to confirm those. So don’t panic if that is offered.
You’re not being seen on a 2ww pathway, so this is not a suspected cancer!

13-05-22, 18:47
Fingers crossed I do hope everything goes well to be honest I don’t mind them carrying out investigations for benign reasons carry away I say but that fear of what if it is something sinister disables me, sometimes I shoot myself as well as I panic so much I end up getting referred for extra tests which then creates more anxiety and unhelpful thoughts .. well my appointment is not until 28th June so I have a long wait. I’ve got a call with my own gp to discuss my results although it was all normal I just wanted to discuss them and see what’s next in store for me

13-05-22, 20:43
Couldn’t you rearrange your appointment til after your holiday if you think that’ll help you to face it with less anxiety?

13-05-22, 21:57
Well I was going to do that but then my mum sister and husband who do not Clearly suffer from health anxiety think I’m worrying too much and should just go for the appointment (my sister had post menopausal bleeding ultrasound showed a thickened lining and still refused hysterscopy saying she will come back if it happens again !!! I was like how are you not panicking about this ) so yes I have a few sane people around me who think I should go, and on the other hand I also feel if I don’t go I will always wonder on holiday what if so really there is a no win situation so think might as well go and face the music no matter how daunting it is hopefully they’ll see my scan and say you’re completely fine here is some hormonal tablets off you go bye !!! (Wishful thinking )

24-05-22, 19:08
I can't imagine they'd do a hysteroscopy if everything is normal! How old are you? I started getting spotting with ovulation in my mid-30s. I'd never had it before then! It's most likely just some wackiness with hormones as you get older.

24-05-22, 22:12
I’m 39! Tbh weirdness to my cycle started after my 26th birthday in the sense long period cycles etc but at the same time I was going through severe anxiety so put it down to that then in 2020 the pattern of my blood flow started to get weird took longer too start and then a lot of brown stuff (sorry for tmi) at the end and then in end of dec 2021 and Jan feb March I had all this spotting

27-06-22, 20:30
UPDATE — to anyone who has been following, so I went for my most awaited gyno appointment.Bloods and scan was done by gp so the gyno did a speculum and internal examinations and took swaps. He said he couldn’t see anything that was causing the bleeding and that my scan was normal. He said he was going to discharge me and just advised to keep an eye on things if it goes worst he won’t mind checking me again he also said just to keep up to date with smear. He said there was nothing indicative of anything cancerous that he could see and he said it may very well be hormonal and that my FSH was border line and that my ovaries are just working a bit harder now to work but besides that her said it was ok and I was good to go. Although I’m relived it’s nothing sinister I now need to think how can I bring my hormones back to balance the gyno did say that birth control pills are not guarantee to stop the spotting so I’m thinking no point really taking hormones if not needed

19-12-22, 19:44
So following what happened in the summer things did not calm down I still had spotting and weird periods went back to gyno who said the only think left to was a hysterscopy

I was given 3 options either to have it done with no anaesthetic, take local with sedation or GA, I was advised by the nurse who was present in the appointment not to choose to go with out anaesthetic as I’ve no kids so it might be difficult so chose the middle one local with sedation. I was reassured by the gyno that I will feel pressure and that someone is doing something but will not feel the pain.

Had my pre op today so I asked the same question again this time though the nurse said if it hurts don’t worry we will give you GA then and there so just fast before you come in. So now I’m thinking did I make the right descion will it hurt ? Has anyone had this procedure with local and sedation how was it ?

Also if my lining and womb looks all ok would they still need to take a biopsy? I am petrified to wait for the results and as I’m having the procedure done this Thursday with it being so close to Christmas I can imagine the delays getting the report. My TVS results we normal and my womb lining was normal so I have no idea what they going to find ? I am so worried about the results.

20-12-22, 06:56
So following what happened in the summer things did not calm down I still had spotting and weird periods went back to gyno who said the only think left to was a hysterscopy

I had a very painful Hysteroscopy done only with a local. (I've got three kids)

If there's a next time, it will be done under sedation. (Or GA)

My womb looked ok but they still took biopsies, so don't read anything into that. Trust me, if you have to go through this procedure, then you might as well make sure that there's no problem, and that means taking biopsies.

I had a post-meno bleed and had to have a Hysteroscopy. Mine was also this time of year, and I got my results on a Christmas Eve (no cancer).

That was the best present I had that year. :yesyes:

20-12-22, 08:07
I've had 2 hysteroscopies as part of fertility treatment following a botched C-section many years ago. Both times with GA. I would certainly keep your options open and fast. You may be absolutely fine with sedation but it's good that you have the option to change your mind should you need to.

Good luck!

22-12-22, 14:00
Thanks pulisa and NoraB, well I went to day surgery today all ready for what ever may come my way. Anesthetiser came we discussed options and agreed would only put me under if needs be. Then my consultant came to see me he asked how’s the spotting and I said it’s still there, he asked about my periods I said they lighter if anything. He then said to me do you really want this done I think what you have is hormonal and he then went to double check my scan and came back saying your scan is normal and based on the evidence in front of me I won’t find anything concerning but he said I don’t mind doing it, and as I’m classed as high risk for anaesthetic any way he said do you really want to put yourself at risk for a procedure you might not really need but he left the descion to me. You can imagine as a person with health anxiety I didn’t know what to do, I thought about it and then decided not to go ahead with it, it was such a big fight within myself but I actually had to let my head do the talking not my anxiety. I then thought that even if he had the slightest doubt he wouldn’t have given me a choice I was already there it wouldn’t have mattered to him either way so he wasn’t telling me to think about it not for him but more so for him. He really does think all this is hormonal and unfortunately for some women going on to thier forties this is a price to pay irratic hormones,I told him when I exercise I spot and he said sometimes hormonal imbalance causes that. So then rather than feed my anxiety I decided I wouldn’t get the procedure done however he said he will see me in clinic again in 3 months and we will take further descions then but at them moment he said based on the evidence provided to him he was thinking it may not be the right time to get it done and Cause my self more problems

22-12-22, 17:03
What a helpful and insightful doctor. It's an invasive procedure and only needs to be done if there is a clinical need for it to be done. It's not a walk in the park so well done you for making the only decision possible at this moment in time. Reassess in 3 months....There is no way you would have been given this option if there were any doubt.