View Full Version : Oral Cancer Fears....Need advice!

12-05-22, 04:16
So I've noticed that the inner lining of my mouth/cheek is kind of dry. You know how it's supposed to be smooth? So the right side feels like rough/patchy/dry? It feels like when you suck on a candy for too long on one side. Does anyone know what I am talking about. It feels like that and I have noticed that it's been there for maybe 1-2 months?
On the left side seems like a smaller patch/part of it and I can kind of see it. Same dryish rough feeling. But otherwise, without shining a light or really looking for it, the color is otherwise normal.
I am a little concerned because why do I have these? I did some digging around on Reddit and have seen very few posts with people having similar. I am wondering if it's maybe me biting my cheek at night, or the toothpaste I use or my wisdom teeth causing it? I just got them out today.
What could it be? I also read about about things more serious (like oral cancer) but that would be unlikely (i hope) because i am young, have no family history and am otherwise healthy and go to routine checkup and I heard it's pretty rare and more common amongst older individuals.

Kind of freaking out....

12-05-22, 05:44
So I've noticed that the inner lining of my mouth/cheek is kind of dry. You know how it's supposed to be smooth? So the right side feels like rough/patchy/dry? It feels like when you suck on a candy for too long on one side. Does anyone know what I am talking about. It feels like that and I have noticed that it's been there for maybe 1-2 months?
On the left side seems like a smaller patch/part of it and I can kind of see it. Same dryish rough feeling. But otherwise, without shining a light or really looking for it, the color is otherwise normal.
I am a little concerned because why do I have these? I did some digging around on Reddit and have seen very few posts with people having similar. I am wondering if it's maybe me biting my cheek at night, or the toothpaste I use or my wisdom teeth causing it? I just got them out today.
What could it be? I also read about about things more serious (like oral cancer) but that would be unlikely (i hope) because i am young, have no family history and am otherwise healthy and go to routine checkup and I heard it's pretty rare and more common amongst older individuals.

Kind of freaking out....

I have oddities in my cheeks as well. Rough sandpaper patches and things like that. But I've had them for years so I figure they must be harmless. Nothing that has turned out to be cancerous and when I've gone to the dentist they've said nothing about them. I think it's probably just dryness or where you place your teeth or a little bit of grinding or biting etc. I didn't notice much of anything in the pictures that stood out as worrisome (as a non-doctor).

Outside of this: Rule #1 is do not google or go to reddit or any website for that matter to explore diseases. Stop using the internet for health related concerns.

If you have an anxiety disorder, the chances are damn near certain in this instance that you're fine. Checking with a doctor is a sure-fire way to figure out if your cheeks are fine. But from everything you posted here, it 100% sounds like just anxiety and nothing more.

12-05-22, 06:33
I have oddities in my cheeks as well. Rough sandpaper patches and things like that. But I've had them for years so I figure they must be harmless. Nothing that has turned out to be cancerous and when I've gone to the dentist they've said nothing about them. I think it's probably just dryness or where you place your teeth or a little bit of grinding or biting etc. I didn't notice much of anything in the pictures that stood out as worrisome (as a non-doctor).

Outside of this: Rule #1 is do not google or go to reddit or any website for that matter to explore diseases. Stop using the internet for health related concerns. It doesn't seem to be concerning because you can't really see it unless I point it out I guess but I can feel it and it's concerning to me that it's on both sides of my mouth.

If you have an anxiety disorder, the chances are damn near certain in this instance that you're fine. Checking with a doctor is a sure-fire way to figure out if your cheeks are fine. But from everything you posted here, it 100% sounds like just anxiety and nothing more.

Thank you for your reply! It was reassuring to hear that. Rough sandpaper patches... sounds similar I suppose. Is it more so you feel it with your tongue but not so much with your hand? The best way I can describe it to me is if you keep a piece of candy in one part of ur mouth for a long, the area almost feels dry or pruney i guess?

I wonder if it could be my mouthwash / toothpaste / not drinking enough water / or having impacted wisdom teeth?

Also, thanks for checking out my pics. You don't think they look concerning? I guess it's difficult to tell since there are no white or really bright red patches but I circled the part Im talking about on my left side that is kind of freaking me out:

It does kind of align with the shape of my back molars so I wonder if it's when I bit my cheek but then why is it dry on the other side as well? Idk,, Im freaked out a bit and I am only 23.... which I know is not common for oral cancer :(

12-05-22, 07:30
Thank you for your reply! It was reassuring to hear that. Rough sandpaper patches... sounds similar I suppose. Is it more so you feel it with your tongue but not so much with your hand? The best way I can describe it to me is if you keep a piece of candy in one part of ur mouth for a long, the area almost feels dry or pruney i guess?

I wonder if it could be my mouthwash / toothpaste / not drinking enough water / or having impacted wisdom teeth?

Also, thanks for checking out my pics. You don't think they look concerning? I guess it's difficult to tell since there are no white or really bright red patches but I circled the part Im talking about on my left side that is kind of freaking me out:

It does kind of align with the shape of my back molars so I wonder if it's when I bit my cheek but then why is it dry on the other side as well? Idk,, Im freaked out a bit and I am only 23.... which I know is not common for oral cancer :(

That "pruney" sucking on a candy for too-long sensation is exactly how the inside of my cheeks feel. I have sometimes wondered about it throughout the years, but generally nothing has come of it all this time. Including from doctor visits and dentist visits.

The picture looks maybe like there's a bit of inflammation. Sometimes I get red patches in my mouth like that. Seems pretty normal.

Honestly looks like a normal mouth. Possibly even better than normal. My mouth has a lot more patches in them than yours it seems. I have weird white indentations from where my teeth rest. All stuff that has become more prominent with age. I've seen older peoples mouths, and they tend to look even more messy and jagged haha. I can only assume that it's part of aging, and a bunch of weird benign things just pop up on you. For me and my health anxiety, whenever one of these aging things happen I go on high alert.

Happens a lot, but I'm getting a better grasp on how the cycle works.

12-05-22, 20:28
No pictures please.

26-05-22, 05:50

26-05-22, 07:28
If you just had your wisdom teeth out, I’m pretty sure that the surgeon would have commented if the inside of your mouth looked a bit weird.
Sure it’s nothing, but do get it checked if it continues to bother you.

26-05-22, 20:59
For a few weeks now I have had dry patches on the inner lining of my cheeks in my mouth. When I look, there seems to be a red spot which is where I feel the dryness. I just recenetly got my wisdom teeth out and a few days after I got them out, my cheek lining seemed to be back to normal with no patches, but now I can feel them again.

This is what it looks like: (link removed by admin)

What could it be? Is it possible it's friction from the teeth when I sleep? I usually wear a retainer but haven't been wearing it and now notice it could be that or does this sound like ethryoplakia? I am freaking out. I am seeing my dentist tomorrow but am scared...

26-05-22, 21:04
Not a doctor or a dentist but that just looks like irritation to me. Have had that same thing come and go over the years. I’m sure your dentist will put your mind at ease.

26-05-22, 21:27
Not a doctor or a dentist but that just looks like irritation to me. Have had that same thing come and go over the years. I’m sure your dentist will put your mind at ease.

You think so? That's reassuring... did yours also feel dry? Almost like after you suck on a candy and your inner cheek gets dry. I am hoping it is just irritation.... I am only 23.

27-05-22, 11:43

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

27-05-22, 20:42
I just saw my dentist and showed them the rough feeling and spot. They seemed unconcerned but we trying to figure out what it was. At first, he told me he was going to refer me to an oral surgeon IF i wanted to check it out... but then both dentists told me that they're not concerned, especially since I am young.

I am just kind of freaking out still. I know some people have said they have had similar but should I be worried still? They told me to come back if it's still there but to just give it time to go away and return to normal. They described it like a texture change.

27-05-22, 23:26
should I be worried still?

...both dentists told me that they're not concerned, especially since I am young.


28-05-22, 01:37

But why is it like that in the first place? Surely, it is not normal. I am really scared. The thing is I felt like the dentists weren't too sure either but then again I asked several times is it cause for concern and they said no.

28-05-22, 01:56
To preface: I am a healthy 23 year old guy with no family history of illness.

For the past few weeks, I have felt dry patches in my cheek on both sides. When I look, it seems to be a red spot or mildly irritated spot. Is this erythroplakia!? Or cancerous?! I also got my wisdom teeth out two weeks ago (this was there before), but after the procedure I noticed it went away for a bit. I could've sworn my inner cheeks felt normal and soft but now I feel them again.
I am really scared. I also read it could be grinding/biting teeth in sleep which I wear Invisalign usually but haven't been wearing it lately. Anyway, here is a photo for reference:
I did see my dentist today and they said it wasn't concerning but they also were trying to figure out what it was. I explained to them I haven't been wearing my Invisalign so I think I am going to start wearing them again and see if it's perhaps my teeth causing friction on the skin tissue.

Anyone have anything similar or know what it could be...?

28-05-22, 08:19
Anybody? :weep:

28-05-22, 10:58
Thread merged again, reopened and picture removed.

Please stick to this one post. Thanks

28-05-22, 18:07
does anyone know!? I've seen a few people on here and reddit talk about something similar and even posted pics that look like what i see in my mouth. anyone know!?

28-05-22, 20:10
We don't know. This is an anxiety site not a medical diagnosis one.

28-05-22, 21:13
We don’t know unfortunately. It’s best to follow the advice from your dentist who is very well qualified with dealing with these types of things.
Try to not check it so much, and if it’s still there in 2 weeks go back and show him.