View Full Version : Leukaemia worry because of fever

12-05-22, 21:52
So about 4 weeks ago I was at the gym and I started to get a headache, didn’t think much of it but a few hours later I felt really ill like I had the flu with really bad fever.

It happened twice both after the gym I think and then I had about a week and a half where I felt okay so just forgot about it.

Last week I went to the gym 4 days in a row and on the Thursday it came back, I done leg day on Wednesday and my legs were really sore and after Thursday upper body session I had a really bad fever again. It’s not come on again since so it’s been a week but I had felt a little fatigued and had a tickly cough. I am also on a diet and walking a lot more with a couple of cardio sessions a week, my mum thinks I am over doing it which has caused the fevers to come on.

This week I have had a rest week and had no fever and also been using a tonic to give me some more energy and today I feel very energised!

Should I be worried about feeling ill like this a few times after the gym? I googled it and it said leukaemia can have a fever and chills

12-05-22, 21:58
Other than a fever three times after the gym I also have a slight cough which feels like phlegm in my throat/chest and my nose a bit runny

12-05-22, 22:01
Does this sound like acute leukaemia? Apparently this comes on VERY quickly!

12-05-22, 22:07
Also I did do a light session on Sunday and felt fine, but since last Thursday I have felt ‘not right’, no body aches or anything like but because I keep thinking about it I keep thinking I am getting body aches but I am not really sure

12-05-22, 22:31
Body aches are pretty normal with a fever, no matter the cause. The thing with fevers is, the list of what can bring them on is incredibly extensive. If you had leukemia, it wouldn’t have gone away during your rest week because cancer doesn’t work that way. I would definitely say that it is related to the gym, but maybe asking your GP would be best? They’d be better able to tell you if you are working too hard, or need some sort of supplement, etc.