View Full Version : Got myself in an absolute state about OC

16-05-22, 14:12
I’m really sorry to post again after my last thread about breast pain. I’m obviously in a real HA cycle again but I also have symptoms that I’m worried about

I’ve had IBS since my 20s - now 47. I’ve had investigations a couple of times including 2 sigmoidoscopies, the last in 2016 when I had several months of symptoms. I generally know my ibs but the symptoms I get have evolved over time. I have months where I am fine but anxiety or a bug can set it off again

I had just started to calm down after getting checked at the breast clinic a few weeks ago and then started having indigestion/excessive belching at the start of May. The first episode lasted a day or two and then I was fine, but then it came back and I’ve now been aware of belching/wind and gas at the other end, and bloating in the evenings for the last week. I’ve had similar symptoms before but for some reason I have become hyper focused this time and made the link with ovarian cancer.

I felt full after eating on Saturday and spent yesterday scrutinising everything. Slept terribly and now so anxious and worried which has made my digestive symptoms worse but also has also convinced me that I need to go and get an ultrasound because they are worse

The problem is that oc symptoms are so vague and can be masked by ibs. I knew this but never really focused on it til now

I have been reading much too much about it all and am analysing every twinge as well as the digestive symptoms. I have momentary pains where my legs meet my torso and around my hips but I have been lifting weights and am also seeing a physio for a long standing misalignment injury so the twinges could be from that. But the bloating and belching/indigestion is really worrying me. It does seem better in the mornings but starts again after eating

I am seeing a therapist at the moment for anxiety and talked to her this morning which helped. My dad passed away last year and I think that has probably contributed to the HA returning. But I am so worried about oc and I know I need to see a gynaecologist. I just don’t know how to get tests quickly

I was having annual cervical screening privately until the pandemic (had treatment for abnormal cells in 2007). I need to start this annual screening again and I think I could probably get an ultrasound via the same private gynaecologist but I’ve not had a reply to my email about an appointment so wondering whether to try to contact someone else privately or go through my gp who probably won’t refer me straightaway because she knows I suffer from anxiety. She would refer me I think if I pushed but I don’t want the added anxiety of CA125 tests first as I’ve read on these threads how stressful they are and that they are not conclusive

The breast pain is pretty much gone at the moment so I know HA is playing a part in how I’m feeling but at the same time I have symptoms and I am worried about what they might mean

I really don’t know what to do next. I’m so sorry for this outpouring. I just feel a bit desperate at the moment

16-05-22, 17:02
Hi Stick. Oh no I sympathise with how you’re feeling. I’ve found a breast lump and my breast clinic appointment is on Thursday, to say I’m dreading it is an understatement.

Maybe it’s your anxiety causing your IBS to flare up?

In my 30 years experience of being a nurse, a private GP will do anything you ask for money. This is something I don’t agree with especially when anxiety plays a part and of course the ethics of repeatedly doing tests which would normally be refused on the NHS, but that’s my own little rant for another day!

I’m glad your therapist is helping that’s encouraging. Sorry about your dad .

Look after yourself

18-05-22, 22:35
Thank you for your kind reply Blonde, when I know you’re facing difficult time yourself.

My husband would say it’s anxiety causing an ibs episode but now I’m seeing everything with oc at the front of my mind

I had been doing fairly well with HA the last few years but I had some issues with other anxiety which made me see a therapist, and then I suppose I had other things to focus on, like the pandemic and then my lovely dad

I know what you mean about private health, but sometimes it helps when you don’t have to wait

I am still in a state about it all and trying to get in touch with the gynaecologist I saw before

I was at the breast clinic a few weeks ago and everyone was so kind. I know that doesn’t help you but I hope it all goes ok for you and you get some sleep tonight