View Full Version : Please help bigeminy

16-05-22, 21:52
Hi since last night I have been stuck in bigeminy heart missing a beat every second beat. Went to a&e they said its not dangerous and sent me home. How can this not be dangerous. I can't cope with it I can't live like this the fear is terrible. I can feel every missed beat . How can your heart missing every second beat not be dangerous? I'm just not coping at all.

17-05-22, 05:39
I didn’t know what this was, so I googled and it’s like the hospital said - it happens to people sometimes and is common and not a problem. Why don’t you go to your gp to discuss and find out out why it’s not a problem? Also let them know how anxious you are about it and your health in general.

17-05-22, 22:32
Thank you for the reply I do appreciate it. I'm just really struggling. I've spoke with my gp today she's gave me some valium but they not helping. I can't get over this fear

18-05-22, 00:48
Hey Molly,

I had a bout of this many years ago, close to 20 years ago now. This is what actually kicked off my health anxiety in the first place. Had a bunch of tests done and everything was completely fine. Still comes and goes once and awhile, especially when my anxiety is high. The doctor I went to said that can actually be caused (or worsened) by anxiety.

If there is one thing doctors don't mess around with, it's heart related stuff. If they checked you out and said you're fine, you're absolutely fine!

18-05-22, 18:58
Hi there

Thank you so much for your reply . So did your heart miss every second beat for hours ?

18-05-22, 20:09
Yeah, it gave me this really "fluttery" feeling, I don't really know how to explain it other than that. Felt like a hiccup in my chest or something. Like I said, I still get times when I feel it, especially in times of high stress, I really focus a lot on it. 20 years later and it hasn't caused any issues for me or anything. I remember being absolutely terrified when it happened, I thought the same as you "there is no way that this isn't a massive problem" but here I am, completely fine with no long lasting issues or anything (other than my health anxiety). Apparently it's an extremely common thing that typically doesn't need any sort of medical intervention or anything.

Definitely don't worry yourself about it.

19-05-22, 06:20
I have had this for years, and it is a scary terrible feeling. When mine acts up, I’m a mess each time even though I know it’s not dangerous since I’ve had other tests to make sure my heart is structurally sound. It is a good idea to see a cardiologist so they can do those tests (heart echo etc - nothing invasive). You are ok!

21-05-22, 16:08
Hi thank you for the replies I really appreciate it.

Yes I've seen a cardiologist and had a echo and loads of ecg . I'm waiting on a ablation as since having covid I developed episodes of Artirial fibrillation which is terrifying. Now every time I have ectopics I think I'm going to go into AF . The bigemini was relentless and very very scary as I just thought its not going to go back to normal so eventually after 24 hours I had to take meds to put it back into rhythm.

It's the awful feeling of waiting for it to happen again that is so difficult to live with.


21-05-22, 17:43
So sorry you have developed AF. That’s a concern of mine too re getting covid. My friend has AF (years before covid), and her ablation successfully treated it. Hang in there, and don’t be afraid to ask your cardiologist for some anxiety meds in the meantime that you can take when you feel the bigeminy. You could also ask for a home heart monitor so you don’t need to guess whether it’s a fib.

21-05-22, 20:44
That's good news about your friend re ablation I hope mine is successful. I do have a kardia app from work so I know when I'm having a af episode but don't really need it as I know the difference. I'm so tuned into my heart health unfortunately I feel every wee flip flop.

08-08-22, 20:19
Hi since last night I have been stuck in bigeminy heart missing a beat every second beat. Went to a&e they said its not dangerous and sent me home. How can this not be dangerous. I can't cope with it I can't live like this the fear is terrible. I can feel every missed beat . How can your heart missing every second beat not be dangerous? I'm just not coping at all.

Hi im getting this right now its awful and makes me so scared. I also have SVT but that it more or less controlled with betablockers.
Ive had pvcs for years but they are getting much worse. Im constantly waiting for the next one worrying myself so much.
Are you still getting them as i know this thread is a few months old.

16-02-23, 23:14
Hi there I'm getting a ablation tomorrow for afib and svt . I'm hoping it sorts out the ectopics too. I'm terrified though x

17-02-23, 04:58
Hi Molly, I've had ectopic beats for 30 years ( I'm 50). I've had episodes of bigeminy/trigeminy that have lasted weeks and I'd feel every one of those skipped beats. My cardio has never been concerned about them, he just calls them a "damn nuisance" that cause people a lot of anxiety. Even when my holter monitor showed 10,000 + ectopic beats in 24hrs he wasn't worried ( mine originate from the atrium, but even if they come from the ventricle you would need constant huge numbers for many months/years them to cause any sort of muscular change to the heart). So try not to stress about them because it definitely becomes a vicious cycle with all the adrenaline causing more.

17-02-23, 20:14
The problem is I have afib too which ectopics can flip me into. I had a catheter ablation this morning so hears hoping no more afib x

24-02-23, 22:07
"Bigeminy is not usually a cause for concern"

Seems like this is treatable and not a problem. The problem is your anxiety. Be glad you have a health problem that is not a big deal. Challenge your thinking! And remember that anxiety can cause dizziness and faintness, feeling fluttery, etc.

25-02-23, 14:06
How did your ablation go? I hope it brought you some relief.

I've been in bigeminy for the past week now, pretty much non stop with a few hours respite, and have to wait a whole month to see my GP to get it investigated. I've never had my heart structure checked, so I'm a little worried about that. It's like getting kicked in the chest for hours on end, along with feeling like dropping in an elevator. I can sympathise with how horrid they feel!