View Full Version : I’m off the wagon! Panic over eyes again. Seeing my heartbeat when I first get up. Pl

18-05-22, 11:45
I’ve had health anxiety all my life but the last few years it has deepened since an optician referred me for potential glaucoma. I’ve seen the eye consultant several times and whilst they have confirmed I have a few minor blinds spots have t yet seen any evidence of glaucoma. However, because it seems to take ages to diagnose, I’ve been obsessed with my eyes ever since and it’s a daily battle to control my panic and fear. The last two years have been better (strangely given covid) but the last few weeks I’ve noticed a new eye related ‘thing’. Often, first thing after I get out of bed and go to the bathroom I notice that I see a slight pulsing in my left eye which matches my heart beat. It looks like a slight shimmer. It lasts a few seconds then passes. Queue massive panic stations. Happened this morning and got a massive rush of heat to my whole body. Please, please someone tell me this is normal? I’m hoping that it’s just the effect of a sudden drop in blood pressure, and a result of my heart pumping blood to my brain to stop me passing out, but the HA part of me says it glaucoma related. I’m booked into rare the consultant again next Friday, but even that gives me fear. What if he finds something wrong after all this time. I feel sick to my stomach

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21-05-22, 09:26
So I’m definitely seeing this every morning for a few seconds in my left eye after I first get up. I get a huge surge of panic every time I see it whilst standing in the toilet. I’m trying my best to rationalise that it’s normal and I’ve just trained myself to see it, but I’m going round and round in my head all day long. It’s a slight shimmer like pulse where my blind spot would be. I assume as no one has replied it’s just me… it’s ruining me at the moment

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27-05-22, 15:56
I know no one replied, but I thought I’d update having seen the consultant all the same. Bottom line is that seeing your own heartbeat in your eyes is normal. Apparently documented for centuries. No change in my eye health, so now have to calm myself back down gradually, as I’d built my anxiety levels right up.

Anyway, I thought I’d share in case anyone else ‘notices’ this phenomenon and panics! No need to, as per a Glaucoma sub-specialist consultant ophthalmologist!

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27-05-22, 16:27
Worrywort, thank you for the update and I'm sorry you didn't get any replies earlier. My first thought would have been "migraine" as I've had them for years but never had aura; the first few times I did get aura with mine I was in a state. Anxiety can also really mess with your eyes, and as you've just learned, it's pretty common to have your heartbeat effect them too. I know I have from time to time!

I hope you get to feeling a bit more relaxed, and can chill out a bit this weekend.

28-05-22, 17:40
Sorry I didn’t see your post. I have glaucoma and currently being monitored by a specialist.

What you describe is normal, not even related to glaucoma. Eye twitching is also normal.

As for glaucoma, if you have high eye pressure over 21 a few times, you will see a specialist. They take pics of your eyes to see if any damage. Then you are on drops to manage it. It’s a chronic disease but manageable. Don’t worry too much. My mom has glaucoma for 20+ years and can still drive and see normally.

19-08-22, 15:56

i'M 34 and i went for a routine eye test and the Optician said i had slightly raised eye pressure (20.5) and that she would send a repot to my GP who may want to do a blood test and blood pressure test. My GP did get in touch and has arranged those tests to be done in a couple of week from now.
The thing that has kicked off my health anxiety is that whilst i was making the blood test and blood pressure test appointment the receptionist said that I have also be referred to an Opthamologist to check for Glaucoma.
I was given a copy of the eye test report and obviously googled all the information, it says I have deep cupping in one eye and slight asymmetry in cup to disc ratio. Anyway after all that i went in a google hole and now I am worried that is isn't Glaucoma but actually something much worse like a tumour pushing on my optic nerve.
I know all of this is classic HA so I am really here just for support *cry* xx