View Full Version : Can anxiety cause neck/lymph/jaw issues?

18-05-22, 20:23
Hi all, it's been a while since I've posted on here :/

Last two weeks or so I've been experiencing this intermittent ache behind the hinge of my jaw on both sides - one side at a time. It almost feels like it's rooted in my lymph nodes (VERY scary), but when I focus on it, it does feel like the jaw muscles (?). This ache also appears in my neck too, a bit further down than my jaw joint.

I have a history of clenching my jaw in my sleep, and also a history of a clicky/achy jaw, but haven't really noticed my usual symptoms of these as of late. I'm also relatively unstressed, and as a result, my shoulder muscles aren't holding much tension at the moment.

Can anxiety cause these symptoms or should I really begin to worry? The aches are few and far apart but almost daily at this point, regardless what I've been doing that day.

Any insight would be super appreciated :)

18-05-22, 23:48
Sorry to hear you are having jaw issues. Anxiety and jaw clenching can cause those symptoms. Muscles can have tight bundles in them called trigger points which can refer to exactly where you are describing (I also get this too). If you are concerned speak to your GP.

19-05-22, 01:01
Can anxiety cause neck/lymph/jaw issues?


19-05-22, 07:04
Hi all, it's been a while since I've posted on here :/

Last two weeks or so I've been experiencing this intermittent ache behind the hinge of my jaw on both sides - one side at a time. It almost feels like it's rooted in my lymph nodes (VERY scary), but when I focus on it, it does feel like the jaw muscles (?). This ache also appears in my neck too, a bit further down than my jaw joint.

You need to be mindful of your dialogue as it feeds into health anxiety..

The logic is all in your post. You know you clench your teeth so it's logical that you will experience those symptoms of teeth clenching which include pain in the jaw, neck, and face.

If you purposefully clench your teeth together right now you will feel it in these areas. I'm a serial teeth clencher (and not only in sleep) so I have experience of this, including the clicking! In my case, it also affects my ears and can cause headaches that reach around the back of my head..

Can anxiety cause these symptoms or should I really begin to worry? The aches are few and far apart but almost daily at this point, regardless what I've been doing that day.

Anxiety causes us to tense muscles, yes, and that's what's happening here. Doesn't matter if you do this in your sleep or in the day or both, you're going to feel the results of tense muscles. In reality it's not remotely scary but your mind is trying to convince you otherwise..