View Full Version : Trapped gas or heart issue

19-05-22, 01:25
Does anyone else get gas pains in the upper left chest area? It’s hard for me not to think it’s heart related. Especially since I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Today it has last for a few hours. Ever after a bowel movement and some burping.

I went to the gym so I would surmise that it’s not heart related. But it’s hard for me not to worry about that.

19-05-22, 01:36
I get the same.
A glass of water normally gets rid of them for me but if you're worried see your GP

19-05-22, 01:55
Trapped gas or heart issue
Trapped gas.


19-05-22, 03:42
Trapped gas or heart issue
Trapped gas.


Thanks for the assurance. I don’t think I would’ve made it out the gym fine earlier if it was heart related. Doesn’t help that I’m having palpitations now.

24-05-22, 16:57
Thanks for the assurance. I don’t think I would’ve made it out the gym fine earlier if it was heart related. Doesn’t help that I’m having palpitations now.

I agree that it's probably trapped gas and/or indigestion. I will get some fluttering from my GERD and some of the left side sharp pain with gas if I eat too much, too fast. I've never had any heart worries every until last month when I suddenly got CONSTANT heart flutters, shortness of breath, and some pain. I went in to see my doctor the next day because the flutters were still going! She hooked me up for an EKG and my heart was completely normal - even though I could feel the flutters while I was laying there! Turns out it was all the GERD bubbling up in my upper chest feeling like heart flutters.

27-05-22, 08:39
I had what felt like labour pains with my second child. I tootled off to hospital with my bag and my notes only to be told several hours later that I wasn't in labour; it was wind. :whistles:

I haven't underestimated the power of wind (sorry) since...