View Full Version : Here we go again

19-05-22, 14:54
Well after an awful month stressing about my routine mammogram (see other posts 😩)I didn’t feel great this morning so stupidly decided to check my blood pressure and of course it was high I proceeded to take it about twenty times so much that my upper arm is now got marks on it why do I do this to myself what the hell is wrong with me any words of wisdom would be appreciated thanks

19-05-22, 15:06
Well after an awful month stressing about my routine mammogram (see other posts 😩)I didn’t feel great this morning so stupidly decided to check my blood pressure and of course it was high I proceeded to take it about twenty times so much that my upper arm is now got marks on it why do I do this to myself what the hell is wrong with me any words of wisdom would be appreciated thanks

You know why your blood pressure is up. The answer is in your own post. You've been stressing yourself over your mammogram and you have HA which is a horrible MH condition..

There's no point in taking your BP 20 times. Far better to work on lowering those stress levels and re-check in about a week. Or, if you cannot use the BP monitor in a way that doesn't fuel your HA then my advice is to get rid of it. If it's there, it's too easy to get caught up in a spiral of checking...

19-05-22, 16:22
Would you feel better if you didn’t have your own personal blood pressure monitor? I don’t have one. If you just chucked it and we’re unable to check how would you feel?

19-05-22, 16:38
At the moment I can’t wait to get home and check it again I don’t know why I went down the rabbit hole again it’s ages since I used it and when I did my bp was the best it had ever been it’s like I’m always looking for problems

19-05-22, 19:56
At least you admit and acknowledge that you're always looking for problems...so why torment yourself with that BP monitor and why have a BP monitor in your house anyway unless your GP has asked you to monitor it? These monitors don't help people with HA so there's a reason why you say"here we go again"..You're in control here and you have to be tough with yourself and ask yourself what good you are doing by compulsively testing your BP?

19-05-22, 20:11
My husband had high bp so doctor advised him to get one he’s on medication now and is fine I’m scared if it goes unchecked I will have a heart attack or a stroke my mam died from heart failure at 62 following a heart attack when she was 57 is there some twisted part of me that wants something to happen

19-05-22, 20:47
I wouldn't say that. More a need to cover yourself for every eventuality and trying to make connections re your own chances of getting ill when you are the same age as when your mother first had heart issues. There may be a part of you that expects to get ill and is just waiting to be proved right..because it's inevitable in your HA mindset regardless of what the doctors say?

19-05-22, 20:54
Yes you’re probably right have just started some private counselling while waiting for my nhs cbt I also had a lot of surgery when I was a child so the counsellor thinks that could be at the root of my problems but it was so long ago I’m struggling to believe that this might be true

19-05-22, 21:03
I think you're feeling vulnerable due to "that" age and its significance (in your HA-influenced eyes)

19-05-22, 21:13
Is there a magic wand I’m just so sick of it all x

19-05-22, 21:18
Why not magic that BP monitor away for starters?

19-05-22, 22:09
������I’m gonna tell my husband to hide it! Realistically when do you think I should check it again ��*♀️X

20-05-22, 07:47
Well I took my bp this morning I did a ten minute meditation and some calming breathing and got a reading of 128/78!! So definitely an anxiety issue just need to make myself believe it

20-05-22, 07:54
At the moment I can’t wait to get home and check it again I don’t know why I went down the rabbit hole again it’s ages since I used it and when I did my bp was the best it had ever been it’s like I’m always looking for problems

Ok, I have my answer. GET RID OF THE MONITOR!

20-05-22, 08:06
Well I took my bp this morning I did a ten minute meditation and some calming breathing and got a reading of 128/78!! So definitely an anxiety issue just need to make myself believe it

What is stopping you from believing it? Having the monitor at hand to use when your resolve weakens will definitely stop you from believing that this is an anxiety issue.

20-05-22, 08:18
������I’m gonna tell my husband to hide it! Realistically when do you think I should check it again ��*♀️X

This won't work smogie. You're a BP checking junkie (it was the heart monitor on my Fitbit with me)

You will trash the house looking for it. You need to remove it from the house..

This way, if you want your BP checking you'll have to go the local pharmacy or to your GP and this requires a lot more effort that sticking that cuff on your arm (whenever you want to) and hyperventilating while it strangles your bicep and that to-be-expected rise in blood pressure that comes with being severely anxious!

I gave my Fitbit away and it was one of the best acts of self-care I did for myself. I have another one now but I can't tell you when I last checked my heart rate. Or anything else. I use it to remind me to move every hour (I get a little buzz) but if my HA was to flare up and I found myself prowling around the living room manically tapping at the screen then away it would go!

20-05-22, 12:49
Thankyou you are so right was buzzing this morning with the good reading but the temptation is there to keep checking my daughter is calling later I will give it to her and she definitely won’t let me have it back obviously as we all know I still think there might be an issue that isn’t anxiety but that’s the problem isn’t it ��

20-05-22, 13:30
Yes it is and well done for recognising that...I'm sure your daughter will successfully "lose" the wretched monitor for you!

20-05-22, 13:40
my daughter is calling later I will give it to her and she definitely won’t let me have it back

Good. Make it happen, smogie. This is self-care. :shades:

29-06-24, 21:49
Don’t know if anyone will read this as I started the thread so long ago but this week I have been in EXACTLY the same situation can’t believe I’m doing this to myself again slightly different scenario but same outcome checking it rechecking checking again and going higher higher higher you get the picture two years down the line and here I am again doing the same bloody stupid things and still sitting worrying my life away

30-06-24, 14:14
Get rid of the machine. It's not helping your anxiety.
I had one and it was the worst thing ever.
You rarely check yourself when you are feeling peaceful, quite the opposite.
It's like you have something to prove but in reality our BP fluctuates all over the place depending on what we are doing or how we are feeling. And it's not something you want when you suffer with HA.

30-06-24, 14:42
Hi carnation the machine has been confiscated by my husband and hidden I have gotten myself in a right state with it all even called the crisis team this morning because I was so upset she advised me to try and see the gp tomorrow to ask about medication and higher intensity therapy as the cbt I had last year did nothing I’m just worried she will ask me to do more bp monitoring x

30-06-24, 14:57
If she's a doctor that understands your condition then BP won't be mentioned.
Cbt doesn't work for everyone and is difficult to do on your own. It also brings high intensity until you break certain barriers with fear. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone highly sensitised. Have you tried guided meditation? Imo you need to desensitise before you tackle any other issues. There's lots on YouTube and videos that can talk you down.