View Full Version : Terrible Dream

22-05-22, 09:53
My worry is mounting again due to various physical symptoms, last night I had an absolutely terrible and vivid dream concerning a very close family member. I won't write any details down as don't want to even think about it. It was so vivid it seemed real. I woke up feeling very upset and agitated I had nobody to talk to it really was quite awful. I have been on the internet looking up dream meanings. I was in a record shop yesterday and forget the name of an artist who I knew full well. I'm starting to worry about my mind as well as my body now.

22-05-22, 11:15
It will dim in time.

Dreams are only the brain going out to play. They don’t necessarily have to mean anything. I also had an upsetting one a couple of nights ago, the day after I obviously thought about it a lot. But now I can think about it without the upset. I doubt I will forget it because of the content but I can accept it as just a dream.
Get off the internet, let it be and it will fade.

22-05-22, 12:56
Thank you, trying to keep busy today , hopefully that will help

23-05-22, 08:32
My worry is mounting again due to various physical symptoms, last night I had an absolutely terrible and vivid dream concerning a very close family member. I won't write any details down as don't want to even think about it. It was so vivid it seemed real. I woke up feeling very upset and agitated I had nobody to talk to it really was quite awful. I have been on the internet looking up dream meanings. I was in a record shop yesterday and forget the name of an artist who I knew full well. I'm starting to worry about my mind as well as my body now.

I've done a lot of research with dreams and I've had a lot of help from the lovely Theresa Cheung (lovely lady) as my dreams are pretty funky at the best of times...

It's generally the case that we take our dreams too literally. For example: if a women who has children has a bad dream about her mother she might take it literally but it might also be that she is having issues with one of her kids (in life) or another issue regarding her as a mother and her brain is using her mother as the imagery. In reality, the dream is about her, not her mother.

It would help if you could tell us who it was you were dreaming about but if it helps, I have had horrible dreams about most members of my family. My youngest son 'died' in one of my dreams not so long ago but I know that this is because he's becoming a teenager and he's changed a lot. As has our relationship. He's not my little boy anymore and my brain used the imagery of his death to represent my sense of loss as a mother because of the transition from my sweet little boy to a grumpy teenager. Do you see?

So, yeah. Lots of shit dreams. But I've also had dreams involving Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet having a 'battle of the bands' in my living room (and me ending up stalking Nick Rhodes on a double decker bus). Sergio from Kasabian pulling me out of the crowd and playing to me. Being a groupie for The Cure. They were nice dreams..:shades:

But here's one for you..

A few weeks ago I had a dream about my Mum (deceased for 11 years) and we were flying over the planet. I could see the world below us. I was weightless and felt totally well & blissed out. The weird thing is that while I knew it was my mother, I never saw her as a person like you do in normal dreams. This was her energy and this energy was light and loving. It my mum minus the negative/anxiety crap in life. And I had a feeling that I have only ever experienced once before, and that was when my Granma (also deceased) 'visited' me. It was love in its purest sense. No ego stuff at all. I didn't see Gran either but I was awake and experiencing things happen in the room via most of my senses. Re my mother dream, I just wanted to stay up there with Mum. As soon as I had the thought, 'I don't want to go back home', we started to descend and I started to get upset. Mum told me (via thought) that I couldn't stay with her, that this had been to show me what I will be coming 'home' to when it's my time. And for me to understand that she was happy. Then she was gone and I started to feel heavy and incredibly sad and pissed off as I slowly headed towards the ground. Then I woke up..

I don't know if I had an OBE or a dream. I just know that it wasn't a normal dream for me. It was also different to my visitation dreams in that this took place in 'space' whereas the others took place in buildings and all details being correct except for one door (or other exit) that didn't belong there. I know there were no meds involved that night (or day) but I remember it vividly..

Theresa Cheung put me onto a couple of good books about dreams.. They are Dream Power, and The Dream Game by Ann Faraday. Interesting reads!

23-05-22, 15:16
Hi, basically same thing as you dreamt about but regarding my adult son. Things have been a bit difficult and It may be my subconscious telling me to stop trying to fix things and accept the situation. I know death should not be taken too literally but it was very vivid!

Your dream is definitely a strange one, almost sounds like an "astral projection" situation, if you believe in that kind of thing. A lot of people do.

The forgetfulness is worrying me though , I keep forgetting names 🙁 hope it's nothing serious .

23-05-22, 16:57
Don’t worry about the forgetfulness….I’m shocking.
I forget the names of things…the other day I said to my other half….put this marg in the uhmmm uhmmm. He just looked at me and said Fridge by any chance?
if you have an adult son you’re probably my age. It happens. Don’t hang your anxiety onto it.

Nora..what a fabulous dream if it was indeed a dream. Maybe I shall call it an experience. It must bring you tremendous comfort.

24-05-22, 06:25
I've had scary dreams when my anxiety levels are high and I've experienced almost a hangover from them the next day that leaves me feeling really unsettled all day.

Also the same with forgetting the names of things, anxiety high - forget the name of something, it's like my brain is so busy being anxious that there's no room for the proper name for things.

Had an odd dream last night (definitely not as interesting as Nora's). I was trying to catch a large toad hopping around on my bed, he kept hopping off and I kept trying to grab him. I reached and tried to grab him and this emaciated cat bit my finger and wouldn't let go. No idea what that was about.

24-05-22, 07:11
Hi, basically same thing as you dreamt about but regarding my adult son. Things have been a bit difficult and It may be my subconscious telling me to stop trying to fix things and accept the situation. I know death should not be taken too literally but it was very vivid!

Yes, this is why you had the dream. I have three sons, my other two are well and truly grown up. I've had the death dreams about them too..

Your dream is definitely a strange one, almost sounds like an "astral projection" situation, if you believe in that kind of thing. A lot of people do.

I do believe in that kind of thing but I've never experienced anything like that. My usual dreams about my mother are anxiety ones lol

The forgetfulness is worrying me though , I keep forgetting names  hope it's nothing serious .

Honestly, don't worry about this. I spent ten minutes trying to get into the wrong cottage on holiday (and our car was in the driveway). Stress affects the memory, as does not having enough deep sleep..

24-05-22, 07:33
Nora..what a fabulous dream if it was indeed a dream. Maybe I shall call it an experience. It must bring you tremendous comfort.

It was a special one indeed. I remember feeling totally safe and more than content to be there. It felt like' home' and I was proper gutted to know that I was going back down to Earth. My mum was 'Mum' but with all the shit removed, and she was as complex as me in life..

Another 'odd' dream I had was some years after I'd left my first husband. I'd always loved my mother-in-law. She was 'Mum' to me and she called me her daughter. It was always on my mind what she'd have thought about me leaving him. I don't want to go into details, but I had good reason to do so and I left ten years after I should have done. I protected my MIL from all that. She never knew. At least I don't think she knew anything? She was always fiercely protective of her boys, and I get that being a mother to sons. Anyway, one day I had a dream where she and I were sat in her kitchen drinking tea. I looked at her with so much sadness and she hugged me and just said, 'I love you'. This was one of those dreams where everything was as it should be. Nothing was fragmented. Each cupboard in it's place. The table, the chairs. Only she looked younger than she was when she died, and healthy. When I woke up there was a huge sense of peace with me. I figured that, if my dreams are a representation of my anxious thoughts then why would my brain choose this? That's not what my brain generally does. But I accept that spirit can reach us in dream state and I think that she wanted to take that anxiety away from me because she would have known everything as spirit knows everything. Nothing stays hidden forever. But I also know that she will never have stopped loving her son and I hope she's found a way to comfort him too...

25-05-22, 10:26
Hi Norab that a very interesting one, I have had no dreams like that at all but would be very comforting if I did I think. I try to avoid things like this though it freaks me out too much. Situation has been very fraught with my son over years and has been playing on my mind big time, so suspect this has to manifest somewhere?

26-05-22, 07:05
Situation has been very fraught with my son over years and has been playing on my mind big time, so suspect this has to manifest somewhere?

I'd say that this would explain your dream..

It was just a dream, it wasn't real. And it doesn't mean what you think it does. It'll fade. You just need to give it a few days...