View Full Version : Prostate infection

25-05-22, 02:20
Hello. I’m new to these boards! I have been having so much stress and anxiety over this issue. Here is information about me. I’m a 34 year old white male, 222lbs, 6ft tall.

I’ve been, for over a month, having issues where it feels like a dull pain has radiated out from my anus. This pain is not “painful” just annoying and it’s not constant. I have wiped after going to the bathroom and have had some bright red blood. This has happened 3-4 times. I’ve also been having a burning sensation when I feel like I have to pee, but doesn’t burn when I pee. I’m a hypochondriac through and through, so of course I’m thinking prostate or colon cancer. A few days ago my poop has been flat, not thin, just flat (which I saw on this board that the connection between flat poop and cancer is a myth…crossing my fingers).

I got scared and finally paid to go to a doctor yesterday (5/23).

A urine test came back as a prostate infection. The doctor said it’s possible from sitting down for long periods of time, which I do at work. I’ve had two shots yesterday, an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory shot. I got them again today, and will be going back again tomorrow. I’m also on Levofloxacin as of last night. The doctor said I’m dealing with several issues. A prostate infection, a uti, and possibly hemorrhoids or an anal fissure (no exam of that area, but given cream). I’m just writing this because my mind is making me go crazy. I keep freaking myself out and feel like I have prostate or colon cancer. I’m still constipated and having flat poop.

Side note- I do have stomach issues. I’m always either constipated or have diarrhea. I’m also a nervous pooper as my dr. Stated (and is accurate). This has been an issue with me for years. Any feedback would help. Thank you!

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26-05-22, 05:41
Bright red blood means surface blood, not blood from the colon. You likely have hemorrhoids or fissures. You can fix this by not sitting on the toilet for a long time (stay off your phone) and using Balenol to wipe. Google it. Diet changes might help to - especially ditching caffeine.

The shape of your poop doesn’t indicate anything other than the shape of your anus. Remember that old Play Doh toy? If you have roids they can affect the shape of softer poops. Don’t pay much attention to it.

You're too young to seriously consider colon or prostate cancer. If you are very worried a PSA blood test will rule it out. Good luck!

28-05-22, 05:56
Hello. I’m new to these boards!

Welcome! :yesyes:

I’ve been, for over a month, having issues where it feels like a dull pain has radiated out from my anus. This pain is not “painful” just annoying and it’s not constant.

I have this symptom and I have internal (and external) hemmies (cba to spell it properly)

I have wiped after going to the bathroom and have had some bright red blood.

Bright red blood? Most likely cause is hemmies or a fissure. I bled with a fissure but my husband has piles too and the toilet looks like a crime scene when his are playing up! :unsure:

This has happened 3-4 times. I’ve also been having a burning sensation when I feel like I have to pee, but doesn’t burn when I pee. I’m a hypochondriac through and through, so of course I’m thinking prostate or colon cancer. A few days ago my poop has been flat, not thin, just flat (which I saw on this board that the connection between flat poop and cancer is a myth…crossing my fingers).

Prostate cancer at your age is highly unlikely.

Flat poo only = cancer is a myth..

A urine test came back as a prostate infection.

My bro has literally just gone through all this. He has an infection and he was worried about PC - which is understandable given that he's in his 60s and our dad and his brothers all had this cancer. However, what's happened is that he also has kidney stones and one 'scraped' his prostate. My brother's typo 'scrapped' made me laugh though.. So, a shit load of anti-biotics and he'll be good to go! (no cancer)

The doctor said I’m dealing with several issues. A prostate infection, a uti, and possibly hemorrhoids or an anal fissure (no exam of that area, but given cream). I’m just writing this because my mind is making me go crazy. I keep freaking myself out and feel like I have prostate or colon cancer. I’m still constipated and having flat poop.

Being a girly (albeit an ungirly one) I can't empathise with the prostate woes but I can certainly empathise with the bum woes. Use bum cream and get yourself a cushion to sit on. And also try to move about more. I use my heat pad on mine and it works a treat in combination with a cool gel sheet. I also use a sitz bath and it's bliss. Most importantly, try your best to keep yourself from being constipated as that makes piles worse..

Re the prostate, did he examine you? If so, that's a finger up the bum isn't it? So maybe he felt the hemmies then?

Side note- I do have stomach issues. I’m always either constipated or have diarrhea. I’m also a nervous pooper as my dr. Stated (and is accurate). This has been an issue with me for years. Any feedback would help. Thank you!

I'm honestly not seeing cancer here. I'm seeing me (aside the prostate) and I have IBS and piles..

07-06-22, 05:10
Did they find bacteria in your urine before giving you an antibiotic?
Also, is the antibiotic working?
Last year I developed a condition by the name of "nonbacterial prostatitis" -- but it's more accurately called Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.
You can develop this condition from sitting too long, but also from having anxiety problems -- because often times anxiety sufferers will (without realizing it) tense their pelvic floor muscles a lot.
If you have this condition, which is very very possible if they didn't find bacteria -- buy Quercetin. That stuff has made a gigantic impact on the severity of my problem.
I have lots and lots of information to give you if what you have is nonbacterial. If it's bacterial, then I'm of no help. But really... Your doctors will probably have it under control for you if that's the case.
Any kind of cancer seems very unlikely for you based on what you described, but of course I'm no medical expert.