View Full Version : I'm back where I started

25-05-22, 12:21
Hello everyone, I've been remarkably good for a long time now barring the odd episode which I have coped well with. However, I lost my husband recently and am now living alone. I have also had a health scare this year where I needed 2 stents put in my arteries to my heart (I had one in 2006) and had to go through it alone. Anyway, I've got through it but my old enemy dizziness is back with a vengeance. I've had been coping fine since my husband's death I thought apart from the obvious terrible grief and now this has appeared I'm terrified. I have a real phobia of dizziness, I have felt 'off' all week and then this morning I was in the bathroom just sat there and it came over me, this awful feeling which went through my whole body, not just my head, it was horrible. I also get a similar feeling when I lie down in bed at night. I am totally freaked out now and guess I should try and get a doctors appointment to put my mind at rest. I need to take my dogs out now but am too scared to leave the house and I just can't go through all that again. What causes these dizzy feelings??? I was just quietly sat there, not worrying, not long out of bed. Wondering if it could be one of my new medications so might ring the chemist. I just don't know how to cope with this without my darling husband. Please help x

25-05-22, 14:10
I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss.

You're under an incredible amount of stress and in a lot of pain and dizziness is one of the hallmark symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. Could also be that one of your medications needs fine tuning as well. I'm sure that it's nothing to worry about too much. If there is anything you need or would like someone to talk to, feel free to send a message.

26-05-22, 01:45
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Like the poster above me said, there could be a few reasons, and it’s definitely worth checking the side effects with your doctor or pharmacist. Also, if you’re scared of something it’s more likely to affect you when you’re stressed and worried.
Let us know how you get on x

26-05-22, 08:13
Wondering if it could be one of my new medications so might ring the chemist. I just don't know how to cope with this without my darling husband. Please help x

Hi Pudding, sorry to hear about your husband.

I aim to go with the rational approach to new symptoms by first asking myself, 'what's new?'. In your case, you've recently lost your husband - which is as high as it gets on the stress scale - but I am also interested with new medication as that can also cause dizziness. See your GP or speak to your pharmacist about this as it may just be a case of adjusting your dose? Also, make sure that you're not taking anything herbal (even teas) without checking if there are interactions with any medication you take..

Regards you having to do life without your husband? I wish I had an answer for you lovely but I don't have this particular experience and the death of a spouse is different to that of a parent - which is what I can identify with. All I can say is that I talk to my parents every day, and they're both long since deceased. It helps me. If you are a sociable person, maybe let some time pass and think about joining some groups to keep your mind occupied? My mum coped with the loss of my dad by throwing herself into DIY projects and doing a lot of walking. She walked her way into needing new hips lol, but that's what she needed to do to cope. You'll find a way to cope too but for now you need to sort out your dizziness issue. One step at a time, right? X

31-05-22, 14:12
Thank you so much for your reply, it really helps just having someone listen and respond. x

31-05-22, 14:15
Thank you for your reply, I have checked with my doctor. Stupidly mentioned I had had loose bowels since January and I am now booked in for aCT colonoscopy, something else to freak me out. It's been fast tracked too so next week!! Thanks a bunch doc. x

31-05-22, 14:17
Thank you for your lovely reply, I'm so sorry about your parents. I also lost my mum a couple of years ago so I know how you felt. I appreciate your time. x

03-06-22, 08:54
Stupidly mentioned I had had loose bowels since January and I am now booked in for aCT colonoscopy, something else to freak me out. It's been fast tracked too so next week!! Thanks a bunch doc. x

If it helps, I have loose stools sometimes with my IBS. I started off this way, and for many years, and then I went the other way to constipation. These days I am a combo of the two. Anyhoo, I was scanned & bum-cammed (for both) and no nasties.

Fast-tracking doesn't mean you have something like cancer. I've been fast-tracked several times for bowel and gynae issues and I'm fine, so bear this in mind..

It also means that you will have some reassurance in a matter of weeks, so bear this in mind too..

The most logical cause is that your digestive system is taking a hit due to the amount of stress you're under and in time this will settle down but it is necessary to rule things out and when you present to your GP with symptoms like this they have to be thorough - especially when we're over 50. X