View Full Version : How often one healthy person need blood tests?

28-05-22, 01:22
I had bunch of blood tests including CBC about 6 months ago when I went to the ER for chest pain. Everything was normal.

Lately I’ve been seeing small yellow bruises pop up that I had no recollection of. I went to a new dental hygienist yesterday and she mentioned that my gum seems to bleed easily when she did the cleaning. The dentist checked my mouth afterward and didn’t say anything bad.

With a normal person, this would not be worrying. Here I am keep thinking about bruising/gum bleed and lead to the worse case scenario of blood disorder/cancer.

I emailed my doctor requesting lab work but secretly hoped that she would ignore me. She didn’t and agreed to order CBC and blood clotting tests. I ran to take the tests and now not in a good place mentally.

I don’t know how to break this anxiety overthinking cycle. I only hope that since I still feel normal energy wise, nothing bad would happen.

I don’t know if 6 months is considered a long time for blood tests to change :(

Thank you for reading my rants. I now will sweat until I get the results back (24-48hrs)


28-05-22, 01:34
How often one healthy person need blood tests?

Once a year as part of your yearly physical.


28-05-22, 01:46
How often one healthy person need blood tests?

Once a year as part of your yearly physical.


Thank you, Fishmanpa. I’ve stopped the bad habit of googling. Instead I found that browsing the forum helped my mind with logical comments from you and others. My anxiety comes and goes.

6 months shall not be a long time for things to change, I hope and pray.

28-05-22, 03:36
I agree, yearly is plenty. I hope you get the results quickly and they put your mind at ease.

I've gotten the "your gums are bleeding so easily!" comment from dental hygienists before. Usually it's as a result of them sticking me with those sharp metal scrapers - like of course that makes me bleed :roflmao:. Not flossing properly, or even going a bit between flossing can make you bleed easily as well. It's just down to your gums not used to being manhandled like that. As for the bruising? You can ask your doc but it's really not super uncommon to bump yourself and end up with a little bruise and not remember how you got it. To my understanding, "concerning" bruising is very noticeable and hard to ignore, in that it is usually very frequent and sizable.

28-05-22, 05:32
I had bunch of blood tests including CBC about 6 months ago when I went to the ER for chest pain. Everything was normal.

Lately I’ve been seeing small yellow bruises pop up that I had no recollection of. I went to a new dental hygienist yesterday and she mentioned that my gum seems to bleed easily when she did the cleaning. The dentist checked my mouth afterward and didn’t say anything bad.

With a normal person, this would not be worrying. Here I am keep thinking about bruising/gum bleed and lead to the worse case scenario of blood disorder/cancer.

When this happened to me, as in bruising easily and bleeding gums (mine used to bleed spontaneously - even when I wasn't cleaning them etc) and it turned out that I was Vit D deficient and this is the most likely cause for these symptoms.

Do you know if you were tested for this? Might be worth asking your doctor..

28-05-22, 08:07
Or it could be that you just need to improve your cleaning regime?

Yearly blood tests are offered at my surgery for healthy patients.

28-05-22, 14:54
I agree, yearly is plenty. I hope you get the results quickly and they put your mind at ease.

I've gotten the "your gums are bleeding so easily!" comment from dental hygienists before. Usually it's as a result of them sticking me with those sharp metal scrapers - like of course that makes me bleed :roflmao:.

To my understanding, "concerning" bruising is very noticeable and hard to ignore, in that it is usually very frequent and sizable.

That is what I’m hoping too. I’ve heard that concerning bruises are big and dark. It’s too logical for the anxious mind to register. Ugh 😩

Also she was rough on my gum during cleaning

28-05-22, 14:55
Or it could be that you just need to improve your cleaning regime?

Yearly blood tests are offered at my surgery for healthy patients.

I asked her for vitamin tests as well but she only ordered CBC and clotting tests.

28-05-22, 14:56
Or it could be that you just need to improve your cleaning regime?

Yearly blood tests are offered at my surgery for healthy patients.

I do need to improve the way I clean. I was so anxious that I had a bad dream that the test results were bad. I woke up sweating.

28-05-22, 17:45
Just want to update:
Got CBC test back at 6am. Lymphocyte abs is 3.2 (max js 3.1). Other numbers are in range.

Emailed doctor if that is concerning and she hasn’t responded.

She hasn’t returned other tests neither. If tests are normal, they would be automatically released. Now I’m worried if they are ok or not. It’s also Saturday she might not be working today.

Now I’m trying to distract myself until Wednesday since Monday is a holiday. God I felt so stupid taking the tests right before long weekend

If CBC ok, would blood clotting tests be ok too? Oh good

29-05-22, 10:07
I asked her for vitamin tests as well but she only ordered CBC and clotting tests.

Ask for Vit D. It's an easy cause to eliminate (and to correct)

29-05-22, 12:38
Have you recently started taking any new medication, specifically SSRI antidepressants? I ask as I suddenly came out in bruising after starting Sertraline, it's an uncommon but known side effect of such drugs, as is easy bleeding.

See my thread started earlier today but briefly my bloods were normal (no idea if they checked lymphocytes though) so they think the drug is likely to blame but still exploring other possibilities. Bruising mostly stopped on withdrawal of the drug but I still get the odd small one which freaks me out. Logically, they are either bruises I would get normally but never previously noticed or the effects of the drug are taking a while to fully exit my system (it's 4 weeks since I stopped). Still a worry though.

You have my sympathy, Health Anxiety sucks!

30-05-22, 05:27
After age 40 use the following as a guide:

If not feeling well, consult w/ doctor.


Labs (CBC, lipids, cmp, iron, tsh, crp) - annual
blood pressure - annual
colonoscopy - start at 45 then every 5-10 years or as rec by doctor

04-07-22, 19:22
After age 40 use the following as a guide:

If not feeling well, consult w/ doctor.


Labs (CBC, lipids, cmp, iron, tsh, crp) - annual
blood pressure - annual
colonoscopy - start at 45 then every 5-10 years or as rec by doctor

Thank you. Now I’m back again waiting for CBC blood test and others due to …diarrhea and I hate myself for Falling in the same trap again

04-07-22, 21:24
Even with my pre-existing health issues, once a year for the bloods and every 5 yrs. for the colonoscopy unless something comes up, which it hasn't.