View Full Version : ever feel like

14-02-05, 08:48
there is just a thought you cant get rid of? and you dont know the thought? describes me now ..i cant get it off my mind :(

14-02-05, 09:22

Is this thought the same every time, is it a nagging fear of something. I think during anxiety, our thought seem to get stuck, like a song you have stuck in your head. You dont particularly like the song, but find yourself singing it over and over again.
Trying to work it all out just makes it worse as does trying to forget it.


14-02-05, 09:25
the scary thing is- i dont know what the thought is. I feel like its never gonna go away :(

14-02-05, 10:56
hi there,
do you feel like there's some really heavy weight on your mind and you can't shift it? that's how i've been feeling recently. you've probably heard this a million times before but i find that doing something to distract me sometimes helps, even if it's only for half an hour or whatever.
anyway, hope that helps a bit!
take care

14-02-05, 11:00
I often get the feeling that I have forgotten something, but I have no idea what. Is it a bit like that? I just tell myself that if I have forgotten something I will find out about it sooner or later and just not fret too much in the meantime.


14-02-05, 11:02
But are you able to divert your mind onto other things? If you try and do domething engrossing, whether it be a gripping tv prog, deep conversation, or work that needs concentration, it may well go away.

OK, it will return in time, but if you are just wandering around just thinking, it will always be there.

Have you tried the chatroom? Plenty of people there from 8, 8.30
That distracts the mind too.


14-02-05, 11:12
i try talking to my friends but its always there :( :( :(

14-02-05, 13:33
Hi Robomalpa

It is very common that post panic or during ongoing anxiety you get this heavy feeling of forboding that can sometimes present as a series of muddled thoughts, memories and worries- you cannot quite pick out the detail of it but know it's always there.

You also might like to post in introductions and share a bit more of your background with us.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance