View Full Version : IBS? Or something more this time?

30-05-22, 14:04
I have had IBS since I was a teenager, formally diagnosed in my 30s. Now I am over 50 and concerned my symptoms could be something more. I’ve have loose stools, only in the mornings, for a few months. My doctor gave me a quick check over, and just said since I am over 50 to schedule a colonoscopy. That will happen the end of June. I started a probiotic and am taking some peppermint oil and my stools have firmed up a little. But this morning I had a fairly normal bm, but it had some streaks of darker color, followed by looser stool. I’m questioning if the dark color was blood. I have no weight loss or fatigue, but my health anxiety is quite high. I was once told my IBS would subside after menopause, but I’m past that now so very worried this may not be IBS this time. Anyone else still suffering from bouts of IBS in their fifties and beyond?

31-05-22, 07:21
I was once told my IBS would subside after menopause

Who told you that? I'm over ten years post-menopausal and my IBS is worse then ever!

Do you still eat dairy? If so, try eliminating it a lot of women can't tolerate dairy after the menopause..

31-05-22, 08:07
I qualify for the "beyond" bit age-wise!:) Like Nora I can assure you that what you were told wasn't accurate although it would have been a bonus!

It's hard with HA when you reach 50 and get offered tests "due to your age". You've got a 4 week wait so your doctor can't be too concerned. The wait is the hardest bit though so I would try to stay off google and keep as occupied as possible. Easy to say, I know.

01-06-22, 00:03
Thank you Nora B and Pulisa-you have really eased some of my anxiety. A nurse in my doctors office thought my IBS was associated with my cycle, obviously not true. I had gone several months with no problems so when it came back with such a vengeance it really concerned me. I hadn’t thought about dairy being a problem, I’ll certainly try cutting it out and see if it helps. I have been drinking more caffeine lately and I’m going to cut down. And yes-no google for me!

01-06-22, 06:38
I’ll certainly try cutting it out and see if it helps. I have been drinking more caffeine lately and I’m going to cut down. And yes-no google for me!

Caffeine is a no-no with IBS, Reddog. The increased caffeine alone could well be the cause of the loose stools...

25-06-22, 20:36
Just a quick update- my colonoscopy was fine, nothing found. So yes still IBS, just a bad flare with different symptoms this time.

27-06-22, 14:14
Good news! :yesyes: