View Full Version : How to get over the fear of cdiff coming back?

31-05-22, 20:12
Hi i had a cdiff infection about 4 months ago and it was cleared with 1 10 day course of vanco and i was diagnosed with PI-IBS however the fear of it coming back is still very strong since i have IBS the symptoms are very similar. So i allways assume its cdiff any advice? i know the cdc says after 8 weeks the chance of relaspe dramatically reduces but there is still that fear allways present

31-05-22, 20:53
I suppose it’s like anything really, you have to start believing the science. The more you worry, the more you will have ibs symptoms, so the more you will worry! It’s a horrible vicious circle, and you need to start managing your worry to break it.

Easier said than done, but do you have any ideas of what could help you?

31-05-22, 21:00
reassurance that its not coming back i do think it left me with some form of trauma so i am trying to seek some form of therapy and just distraction from it

31-05-22, 22:03
I had CDiff three times 9 years ago, so I understand your fear. It’s still hard for me sometimes. I saw an infectious disease doctor the third time and had to be on a Vanco taper and pulse dose for several weeks to clear it. The doctor told me to not take antibiotics unless it was an absolute must. Always wash hands thoroughly after using the restroom and before eating. I am still OCD about hand washing. The fear will lessen as time goes by. Anyway good hand hygiene and hygiene in general, and avoiding antibiotics if possible are the best ways to avoid CDiff. Hang in there.