View Full Version : Muscle pain/instability/stiffness.

01-06-22, 10:34
Hello there

My first post here, but hopefully somebody can help.

I have a particularly stressful life right now, and things feel out of control. I feel overwhelmed.

My most concerning symptoms right now are an unusual feeling of muscle pain, stiffness and trembling. It almost feels like my muscles are constantly contracted and can't, or won't loosen off.

This leaves me feeling unsteady on my feet a lot of the time and with a regular feeling of vertigo. I constantly feel like I need to stretch, but my muscles also tremble with exertion. I find this particularly distressing because there's a strong sense of lack of control over my own motor functions. This also leaves me with an odd crawling sensation on my limbs, particularly the legs.

On the one hand I kind of know that years of extreme stress can cause these kinds of feelings, but on the other hand it's so extreme right now I can't help but worry.

Thanks in advance for any advice.