View Full Version : Cement dust exposure worry

01-06-22, 18:19
A few years ago I mixed up some cement for four fence posts. I did it in a bucket and without a mask as I just didn't think about it. I also drilled two holes in a concrete post to fix a gate to again without a mask.

Really worried about if I breathed in any silicosis
dust and if it will give me lung cancer like asbestos? Or Silicosis lung disease?

Any advice would be appreciated struggling to get this out of my mind

02-06-22, 18:48
If you had done these activities without a mask every day for like 30+ years, you would have reason to be concerned. You probably inhaled less than a cigarette's worth of harmful chemicals. Absolutely nothing to worry about.

02-06-22, 22:20
Thanks for getting back to me.

I am worried about the cement dust being stuck in my lungs or it has turned into small bits of concrete after mixing with the water droplets in the body should the even be a concern? The crazy things my brain thinks about 😂

02-06-22, 22:41
Nah. Your lungs are very good at getting rid of gunk like that. That is their job! Your lungs are constantly in a state of renewing and healing themselves. Anything that you inhaled years ago has been out of your system for a very long time now. It's all about long term exposure to hazardous chemicals. That's why people don't get lung problems after smoking for a few weeks but after years and decades. I smoked cigarettes for like 10 years, quit around five years ago, and my lung function is completely fine and I did a million times more damage than you did.

I know exactly how your brain is working, because mine works the same way but I can say with 100% certainty that this is a thought that you should put out of your head and not spend a single second worrying about.

12-07-22, 19:20
Was just in the garden water plants.

Noticed a massive pile of brick dust on the window sill.

I just hosed it down on a powerful jet setting , but now worried I sent the dust flying into the air and breathed it in before the water had chance to dampen it down.

Is there a chance the dust could have gone into the air and I breathed it in?

12-07-22, 19:41
nope not at all.

You need to try and rationalise these things alone