View Full Version : So you have a worry about N. Fowleri?

02-06-22, 06:37
It’s summertime and there is going to be chatter about N. Fowleri due to warm temperatures coming around. I figured I’d share this little number breakdown I did on another post to help curb someone’s worries. Mind you I’m sleep deprived so I could be off a bit.

Googling about it is a hole that you will fall into quick. All you’re doing is trying to confirm your concerns. But from a rational standpoint you googling should show you how exceedingly rare it is. So rare that the chance is very unfathomable actual.

In 50 years there have only been 300 cases. That’s globally. Since 1962-2000 there have been 152 total documented cases in the US. Let’s break down the numbers. In 2019 it’s reported that there were 2,854,838 deaths total in the US. That’s only one year mind you. There are 37 other years that I’m not using. So let’s take all the documented deaths for N. Fowleri and just use one year of US deaths. Your chance of dying would be 0.00532429511%. Again I used ALL the documented cases for 38 years of N. Fowleri and compared it to only one year of the total deaths during that time in the US. That percent we get is hard to comprehend. If this were adjusted correctly, the number just wouldn’t seem real at all.

Numbers bring me peace when it comes to me being irrational. Hopefully that helps you.

02-06-22, 18:46
Thanks! Earlier this year, I had made the mistake of Googling N. Fowleri when I put a wet tissue in my nose (long story). While I did freak out, I had manage to not fly off the handle as my health anxiety slowly subsided.

03-06-22, 13:11
This should be a sticky.


03-06-22, 18:30
This should be a sticky.



07-06-22, 19:23
Bump for the worriers.

17-07-22, 22:40
Bump due to a new case to let you know you don’t have it.