View Full Version : Groin lump

02-06-22, 23:03
Hi, I'm hoping someone will be able to help me.
I suffer from HA quite badly, although the last 2 years have been so much better.
Anyway my 8 year old son fell playing football on AstroTurf and got a red graze on his thigh which was really painful, he also stretched to rea h the ball and we all commented on how he "nearly done the splits"
The next day he complained of a painful groin (all the same side as both injuries)
I checked abd there is a visible lump on hi groin I didn't even need to feel for it. In fact there are 2 lumps.
They are quite painful and he won't let me touch.
Anyway me being me, I'm panicking the reason for these lumps is lymphoma. I'm trying to convince myself it's the injury but google doesn't seem to support my ideas.

Can Anyway offer advice?

I maybe should mention he plays football for an academy 5x a week so also wondering if it pull be overuse?

Thanks in advance ☺️

02-06-22, 23:23
Lymphoma is not going to come up like that and besides you have a cause. Might be worth getting it checked out in case its a muscle tear or the like.


02-06-22, 23:36
Thank you so much for replying