View Full Version : Pain on carotid artery

02-06-22, 23:17
Has anyone ever experienced point tenderness on just the area where the carotid artery is? I noticed this a few days ago, just on the left side. It only hurt when touched. At first I disregarded it thinking I slept on my neck wrong or something but throughout the day, I realized it was just a super small, specific area right where my pulse is, not the glad, etc. I could feel it when swallowing a little bit too but not in the way that a sore throat hurts when you swallow. More like cause of movement pushing on the area. I have managed to disregard and not google, spiral out of control, etc. until this morning when I woke up and it was more sore than the previous days. Google quickly took me to it being possibly a tear or blood clot in my artery which could cause a stroke. Has anyone ever had this? I called my doctor’s office today and spoke to a nurse but haven’t heard back from the doctor or scheduled an appointment. I guess the thing that worries me is the odd location and lack of pain on the surrounding muscles, tissues, etc. It is just the super small area where the artery is located. Thanks.

04-06-22, 00:10
I'm currently experiencing some weird stabbing pains in the same area. I think I may have been grinding my teeth in my sleep, with stress and aggravated some nerves. Could it be referred pain?

05-06-22, 21:13
I've been getting a pain there for 5 years , I remember exactly when it started as well, if you find out what it is let me know 😕