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03-06-22, 11:52
I got a pain on my backside a few nights back after lying awkwardly on my mattress. I decided to buy a new mattress comes next week could this be the cause? It’s sore when I sit down been that way for few days right on the bone. The old mattress was getting a bit done had it six years? How long do these pains last?

18-07-22, 13:32
I have had the pain still I wonder if it damaged a nerve how long can it take to heal up? I always get pains when I sit on the affected area

18-07-22, 14:18
Very unlikely to be a nerve. Just a sore bit.

21-07-22, 19:23
If a pain is caused by anxiety how you turn it off as you can’t block thoughts? Sometimes it’s hard to forget it. And how long can pains last

22-07-22, 08:43
If a pain is caused by anxiety how you turn it off as you can’t block thoughts? Sometimes it’s hard to forget it. And how long can pains last

It's not as simple as this..

Anxiety can cause pain and discomfort (chest pain etc) and it's all part of the stress response with no underlying cause..

Then we can have pain due to injury etc and what anxiety does is to amplify the pain. (In other words, the more we focus on our pain, the worse it feels..)

Another issue; we naturally try to avoid feeling more pain so we sit differently or move differently which causes pain in other parts of the body but people rarely understand the connection. People with HA especially take this as 'proof' that they have a terrible disease that is taking over their entire body...

It's not a matter of 'blocking' anxious thoughts, Phil - it's about allowing them to happen but not dwelling/fixating on them..

You're absolutely right, it is hard to forget about pain. I've had problems with my mouth for almost 6 weeks now and it's nigh on impossible to forget mouth pain, but I know that it will be worse if I fixate on it...

It's not as simple a question to ask how long the pain will last as there are numerous factors involved. If something you are doing (bad mattress or sitting incorrectly and for too long) is the issue, then the pain will continue as long as the issue remains unaddressed..

I was having lower back pain and I eventually connected it to a bar stool I was using in the kitchen (no back support) so I changed it and that pain went away..

22-07-22, 12:20
I woke up with the pain after the springs hit a area of my backside. That was a few months back I got a new mattress I admit it’s not an expensive one but springs not sticking out. I know I could get a new mattress more expensive sure but I can’t sleep in it to test it out I could spend £300 plus on a posh mattress and still have the issue. I do sit alot during the week I discussed that early on in the other topic.

Once I posted about it I became fixated I think that was a bad idea as I turned a small issue into my main issue? What annoys me is I can’t pin point it like a bar stool I did have a bad mattress I replaced it but maybe it wasn’t the mattress who knows. Maybe it’s in the mind.

Sometimes it feels like a heat or friction issue which makes me wonder about soaps or washing. Sometimes it feels like an ache. Often I feel no pain and I look for the pain and it will arrive. I fear I will always have this pain if I can’t shift it out my head. How can I be sure its a mental health pain that’s what I keep asking myself? How can anxiety be that powerful? Right now I see no way out of this pain but I’ve had alot of symptoms over the years. Often another worry removed it

22-07-22, 13:03
And this will happen again.

22-07-22, 13:32
And this will happen again.

What will happen anther pain?

22-07-22, 13:38
You'll just need something else to worry about because you won't feel "right" not being anxious about something.

22-07-22, 20:04
That’s true I worry this pain will never go though. If I have another panic sometimes it goes away? Could the ache last forever or will it go?

22-07-22, 21:06
Phil, this pain/sore area is a major issue for you but from what you've described it's not serious or likely to last for the rest of your life. It's just annoying and "a pain" It's not producing any red flag symptoms. It's a bit tender and you don't like it but that's about it. We all have these things but they get better or you just learn not to give the sensation significance.

23-07-22, 08:33
Sometimes it feels like a heat or friction issue which makes me wonder about soaps or washing. Sometimes it feels like an ache. Often I feel no pain and I look for the pain and it will arrive. I fear I will always have this pain if I can’t shift it out my head. How can I be sure its a mental health pain that’s what I keep asking myself? How can anxiety be that powerful? Right now I see no way out of this pain but I’ve had alot of symptoms over the years. Often another worry removed it

Because anxiety triggers fight or flight (the stress response) and it is a physiological reaction.

31-07-22, 21:40
I had pains in my legs weeks back I’m pleased to say they went. I had burning in my backside over weekend today it was better. Still felt a bit if a heat burn feeling under my man’s area. I know these symptoms may vanish but I worry about this backside for weeks. I’ve had lots of reassurance about peoples pains that’s great that’s helped. However I have health anxiety I don’t have the red flag symptoms but I have some symptoms which makes me anxious. I’ve had the burning feeling before. The heat burn may be the hot weather? Anybody reassure me?i feel thinking what I have is serious

01-08-22, 07:54
I had pains in my legs weeks back I’m pleased to say they went. I had burning in my backside over weekend today it was better. Still felt a bit if a heat burn feeling under my man’s area. I know these symptoms may vanish but I worry about this backside for weeks. I’ve had lots of reassurance about peoples pains that’s great that’s helped. However I have health anxiety I don’t have the red flag symptoms but I have some symptoms which makes me anxious. I’ve had the burning feeling before. The heat burn may be the hot weather? Anybody reassure me?i feel thinking what I have is serious

Reassurance isn't what you need. It's a short-term solution to a long-term problem. It doesn't matter what any of us say because you will continue to symptom dump and seek reassurance (which only serves to keep health anxiety going)

The older you get, the more aches and pains you will have, and it happens to everybody. (You could help yourself by not spending hour after hour on your backside...)

Re your fiery danglers...

My husband often reports a 'burny ball bag' when the weather is warm. I don't know why he feels I need to know this info, but he shares it anyway. The other day I caught him practically tea-bagging the fan in our bedroom (that's a sight I'm trying to forget) because he reckoned his danglers were 'on fire'? :unsure:

That said, I've had burning sensations in my 'down belows' in relation to compression issues having sat on my arse for months on end (fibro). The issue was actually in my buttock, but one side of my undercarriage area was also affected - and this could be a possibility with you (not that you have lady bits). The solution is to exercise (and spend less time sat on your arse..)

Find some buttock exercises online, do those for a few weeks and see if this helps? (bearing in mind that you will be exercising muscles that have not been worked much - so expect some aches to begin with)

Or, you can do nothing and carry on as you are...:shrug:

04-08-22, 21:10
How long could the pain last? Years?

I don’t know what’s the best buttock exercises to do either. I did get new mattress but it’s not an expensive one so know I need a better one. I don’t know how much of it’s anxiety. How can I be sure it’s nothing sinister? Most people get back pain but buttock pain seems less common?

I found this may help? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8d2KaC47ED0&t=22s&pp=2AEWkAIB

04-08-22, 21:16
Why do you always switch threads when you're asked questions you don't want to answer?

04-08-22, 21:20
He doesn't like my direct questions!!:)

05-08-22, 08:35
How long could the pain last? Years?

Mine lasted for months. Then I got me some physiotherapy and I did those exercises every day..

I don’t know what’s the best buttock exercises to do either.

Hip and buttock pain physiotherapy :: East Cheshire NHS Trust (https://services.eastcheshire.nhs.uk/physiotherapy/self-help/shoulder-pain-physiotherapy-2)

(Please remove if not allowed - but I felt it better than letting Phil loose on Google)

As long as you have no issues re your back or hips etc, give them a try? If you do have issues (or are not sure) then I suggest you go see your GP and ask to be referred for some physiotherapy but you might have to have an MRI scan first (like I did) Like I said, my symptoms were not in any way vague. I struggled to walk and it felt like there was a golf ball rammed in my arse cheek. You are unsure as to whether you're in pain or not? I was in no doubt what so ever! Bloody awful. Never want to have that crap again - which is why I do the exercises!

05-08-22, 10:14
Mine lasted for months. Then I got me some physiotherapy and I did those exercises every day..

Hip and buttock pain physiotherapy :: East Cheshire NHS Trust (https://services.eastcheshire.nhs.uk/physiotherapy/self-help/shoulder-pain-physiotherapy-2)

(Please remove if not allowed - but I felt it better than letting Phil loose on Google)

As long as you have no issues re your back or hips etc, give them a try? If you do have issues (or are not sure) then I suggest you go see your GP and ask to be referred for some physiotherapy but you might have to have an MRI scan first (like I did) Like I said, my symptoms were not in any way vague. I struggled to walk and it felt like there was a golf ball rammed in my arse cheek. You are unsure as to whether you're in pain or not? I was in no doubt what so ever! Bloody awful. Never want to have that crap again - which is why I do the exercises!

I should be able to try those. I mean i am in mild discomfort it’s nothing like a golf ball. Symptoms are maybe burning sometimes or it feels I’ve sat a bit long, muscle strains a bit tender on the cheeks. It’s not causing me any issues walking. I guess that must be good news? When it first started when I walked it lifted heavy stuff at work it was a bit sore. When I was lying down it was sore all time. Now it tends just to be a bit sore sitting down and occasionally lying down. I did some 60 second exercise in video I posted last night and seen a 10-20% improvement right away.

I mean if it’s nothing serious I can relax but it’s been two months. Be nice to feel normal again. I admit I do sit too long during the week so that could be a cause. Could be the mattress but not sure it would last that long. It was digging in to that area and the pain I’ve felt since has been similar. I don’t want to become obsessed with Google and tests to find answers it’s quite a rabbit hole to go down. Nobody can say how long it will last though. I’ve not had much other anxiety in past two months to focus on another symptom. I mean right now I expect to feel this way in another month right now. I hope I am wrong and can move on from this. I think if I go by holiday it will help my anxiety I may have a big relief if I go. That may ease the pain. Seems there is no magic solution to it. I went down the rabbit hole in 2016 able my back got tests x rays and it never went away they never found a cause but it did go away naturally in time. It may be the same again well I hope waiting for that day for it go away but as I suffer anxiety right now I see it lasting forever.

05-08-22, 10:17
And how effective do you think those exercises will be if I say do them for a week?

05-08-22, 10:27
I had sore legs a month back they went away

The burning ibs symptoms churning stomach had that on and off all week.

Generally it’s just been the achy backside. Every symptom I keep trying to relate to the muscle ache?

I can only see the mattress or anxiety as a trigger but can’t be sure

06-08-22, 09:18
I mean if it’s nothing serious I can relax but it’s been two months. Be nice to feel normal again. I admit I do sit too long during the week so that could be a cause.

As long as you spend so much time sitting on your bum, you will have these issues, but the exercises will help so keep doing them..

Could be the mattress but not sure it would last that long.

Try flipping the mattress over or swapping it round so that the bottom of the mattress is at the top (where your head is) See if this help?

I went down the rabbit hole in 2016 able my back got tests x rays and it never went away they never found a cause but it did go away naturally in time.

I'm so confused...:huh:

It may be the same again well I hope waiting for that day for it go away but as I suffer anxiety right now I see it lasting forever.

Working with the symptom (which is real) will help. Sort your mattress. Spend less time on your botty; do those exercises..

I get you though. There was a time during my bum issue where I thought I'd never be the same again. I got really down about it. But physio sorted me out and I made a point of not spending longer than 45 mins at a time on my bum. I have an alarm on my watch which reminds me to move. We're not designed to sit still for long periods; we're supposed to be active or we develop muscle issues etc

In other news...


It's been three months but it's finally done one! (YAY)

20-08-22, 11:21
I think something may be going on stress wise. When I have a panic attack or very distracted the pain or ache in bottom goes. I googled it and seemingly anxiety aches don’t last that long though? Google sends me down all sorts of rabbit holes. Could the stress cause it? When I feel stressed the aches go to my chest or legs but why is the bottom ache there long term? I am too lazy to do the exercises

20-08-22, 11:30
Muscles can be clenched when we are stressed or anxious.

20-08-22, 12:18
I am too lazy to do the exercises

:doh: Then quit complaining about it. I suspect that one line sums up the reason you're still here after 15 years.


22-08-22, 15:26
When I woke today I felt the aches a little I think the new mattress isn’t great either. Saying that I often sleep on sofa.

Most of my symptoms go quick thankfully sore legs the burning all gone within weeks.

The pain seems amplified by anxiety. I think about it most of day. Pain goes when for example I have a chest pain or headache my focus switches. Or if I’m sat thinking deep about something it vanishes. If another pain makes it go could be anxiety if it was something else surely there all time?

I think the issue is I think about it daily. Google doesn’t say anxiety causes long term pains but it can cause aches. I think there’s something about the aches and anxiety. I think it’s likely cause but can’t find the posts or literature to satisfy me that it’s that. It’s almost identical to the back pain I had in 2016 it went away it’s self but I’m bored waiting.

But yes I do think it’s getting better I don’t notice it when standing 90% of time or lying it’s only 10%. Don’t notice when slouching. It’s and I’m sat upright say reading a magazine sitting straight. I see some impingements rather than worsening but I’m waiting for that magic click where it goes?

22-08-22, 17:29
I am too lazy to do the exercises

Well at least you're honest...:shrug:

22-08-22, 18:07
Well at least you're honest...:shrug:

Not only that the ones I found are 2 min ones quick stretch 3 times a day but the link you sent had a few. I’m not sure how long I would need to do them or how often. I’m not sure if it’s something that will do away in time without any exercises too

23-08-22, 08:16
Not only that the ones I found are 2 min ones quick stretch 3 times a day but the link you sent had a few.

You don't have to do them all the same day.

I’m not sure how long I would need to do them or how often.

It took me seven minutes (one minute per exercise) and I did them daily. (I'm sure you can find a few minutes in your day to help yourself)

I’m not sure if it’s something that will do away in time without any exercises too

Mine didn't. It got worse until I had to use a walking stick. Exercising the area was the only thing that helped the issue. I still do these exercises even though the problem isn't there anymore. Because I know it will come back if I was to sit on my @rse all day and those muscles weaken again...

It's simple really: do nothing and stay as you are (And that means having to cope with the anxiety that these symptoms create)

Do the exercises, and the problem goes away.

23-08-22, 20:43
When I get a pain elsewhere like legs or chest pain or panic my backside pain vanishes so I wonder how much of these aches are caused by anxiety?

It’s hard to believe these pains can go away. I had pains in my legs today and sore stomach both went quick.

It amazes me how if I focus on pain elsewhere it vanishes i don’t understand that. In my mind I focus on it 24/7 that could be a cause. Sometimes I feel aches without the pain being there. Another one is I feel I can’t believe or not breathing it feels a suffocating feeling or like I’m going along not breathing hard to describe? I think alot of what I feel physically is anxiety how can the CBT help with that?

23-08-22, 22:30
I think alot of what I feel physically is anxiety

Errrrr yeah........ :shrug:

24-08-22, 07:26
I think alot of what I feel physically is anxiety how can the CBT help with that?

If you ever decide to engage with therapy, the right therapist will teach you how to challenge and rationalise your thoughts and how to understand that people do not need to be symptom free in order to be healthy.

Everybody, and I do mean everybody, has symptoms that come and go. This doesn't mean that they're ill or that they are imminently going to keel over. Obsessing over symptoms (as you are doing) aggravates the issue and actually CREATES more anxiety symptoms!

24-08-22, 10:17

If you ever decide to engage with therapy, the right therapist will teach you how to challenge and rationalise your thoughts and how to understand that people do not need to be symptom free in order to be healthy.

Everybody, and I do mean everybody, has symptoms that come and go. This doesn't mean that they're ill or that they are imminently going to keel over. Obsessing over symptoms (as you are doing) aggravates the issue and actually CREATES more anxiety symptoms!

I just can’t convince myself it’s not something serious. Sure I’ve not had any red flag symptoms. I mean my wife moans about aches or issues too and she doesn’t have anxiety. I suffered ocd for years so often I had much less physical anxiety symptoms and if I did get them they would not last too long. I don’t know how much of the pain is anxiety based. The pain may not go until I stop worrying. Sadly I’ve not stopped worrying yet.

When I got sore legs I forgot the pain quick it went quick. The mattress thing i convinced myself the nerve was damaged or something serious and I’ve become stuck with health anxiety. I don’t think anybody could reassure me right now nothing I can do I can only help myself. I will be honest I noticed it less when it was at back of my mind some weeks. When I’ve been ultra focused this week the pain gets worse.

I often don’t do what’s required to help my anxiety but I feel lazy as I feel I could get some awful disease. I have reread Pulisa post about how the pain will go but I can’t get it to sink in right now I think it will be here forever.

24-08-22, 12:19
I often don’t do what’s required to help my anxiety but I feel lazy...

I am too lazy to do the exercises


24-08-22, 15:45
I keep hearing about people being ill that’s why I worry about some awful disease?

24-08-22, 17:23
I just can’t convince myself it’s not something serious.

That's because you have health anxiety and you won't do the work.

Sure I’ve not had any red flag symptoms.

The absence of red flag symptoms doesn't matter when it comes to HA, it will still try to convince you that you're going to die within the next few minutes...

When I got sore legs I forgot the pain quick it went quick.

We've done this one ad nauseam, Phil.

I don’t think anybody could reassure me right now

You have to learn how to cope with your anxiety.

You have to be able to convince yourself that there's nothing seriously wrong with you.

I often don’t do what’s required to help my anxiety but I feel lazy as I feel I could get some awful disease.

So, the thought that you 'could' get some awful disease (it's always awful with HA) is preventing you from pulling your finger out and doing the work?

I have reread Pulisa post about how the pain will go but I can’t get it to sink in right now I think it will be here forever.

I regularly have several symptoms on the go at any one time. My brain will focus on the issue that's giving me the most pain and the other issues will not bother me as much. For example, my migraines and my TMJ pain. Migraine trumps TMJ in terms of pain so I am aware of my migraine pain more and the TMJ pain less, in fact it's almost non-existent, but it's back when the migraine buggers off.

When it comes to pain associated with anxiety you need to understand this...

ANXIETY ACTIVATES THE STRESS RESPONSE WHICH CAUSES MUSCLE TENSION (amongst other things) and this can cause PAIN AND DISCOMFORT in any MUSCULAR part of your body, including your BUTTOCKS. Thinking anxious thoughts will CAUSE you PHYSICAL PAIN (the pain is REAL) and the more you FOCUS on that pain, the WORSE it will feel to you.


Stop focusing so much on the pain, and the pain will lessen. You know this; you've experienced this for yourself. It's here in your posts, so try and understand the reasoning behind it?

You have already made the connection. Now you need to understand why this happens and then convince yourself that THIS is what's ACTUALLY happening.

26-08-22, 11:24
I had this ache all morning I put some deep relaxation on and it vanished. Most anxiety pains go after a short while should I be feeling this all day? My mind has been 100% focused on it all week. Other than exercise seems little to make it go away? Just mostly feels a tension. I get we go through lots of emotions and feelings with anxiety but can’t seem to shake this off? It’s hard to know if it was the mattress or anxiety.

26-08-22, 11:26
I also get it intensifies with focus I agree as I focused on much less this week i noticed pain less but not sure how I can keep busy I went shopping I went a few walks watched a few movies. Nothing really engaging. I won’t let the worry drop that could be an issue.

26-08-22, 15:47
Past few days I’ve noticed the top of my legs a little tender could point to some sciatica pain to the point if I don’t think about it pain goes away. Maybe the aches can shift around a bit?

26-08-22, 15:56
if I don’t think about it pain goes away


26-08-22, 17:52
I think you always need to worry about something and don't feel right if you haven't got a worry on the go? This is when you are not doing something constructive or enjoyable that is, such as work or a train trip? It's something to fill your unstructured time in the absence of anything else?

27-08-22, 11:14
I don’t think a holiday will help you Phill you need some help from a Psych.

28-08-22, 21:13
In Google it says aches and pains can be a sign of poor health but it also says it can be anxiety. My feet and legs ached today I was working ten hours so that could be a cause but again my focus went off my backside? I am considering forking out for a memory foam mattress but I went to a hotel for 2 nights and still had aches so unlikely? I worry about the pain majority of day. I have researched how anxiety can create muscle pains. Other day I felt depressed about it. I am going to retry the exercises this week but pointless anyway don’t expect any change. I get CBT again this week not sure how she can help?

28-08-22, 21:14
I think you always need to worry about something and don't feel right if you haven't got a worry on the go? This is when you are not doing something constructive or enjoyable that is, such as work or a train trip? It's something to fill your unstructured time in the absence of anything else?

The physical pains have put me off booking much else. It did help but I want the pains go first. I do always need to worry but I said before I had bad ocd before now my anxiety is health anxiety and panic.

29-08-22, 07:51
In Google it says aches and pains can be a sign of poor health but it also says it can be anxiety.

Why are you Googling? (Do you read any of our replies to you at all?)

I am going to retry the exercises this week but pointless anyway don’t expect any change.

You're setting yourself up to fail with that attitude, Phil.

I get CBT again this week not sure how she can help?

Well, if you pay as much attention to her advice as you do to ours, then I'd be inclined to agree with you.

I always feel like it's Groundhog Day with your threads, Phil. No matter what is said one day, the next day is always the same. Same words. Same complaints. Same refusal to help yourself.

What do you expect us (or anybody) to do when you won't even listen? :shrug:

29-08-22, 08:24
Most chronic pain conditions are down to muscle issues and people with anxiety are far more likely to be affected.

Why don't you just go to your GP and get him/her to assess you? Get some real life advice? You may get a referral to a physio for some advice on posture but ultimately you will need to persevere and not give up after a day or so if there's no immediate improvement. Specific exercises need to be carried out regularly and you may not be interested in this?

29-08-22, 08:41
You may get a referral to a physio for some advice on posture but ultimately you will need to persevere and not give up after a day or so if there's no immediate improvement. Specific exercises need to be carried out regularly and you may not be interested in this?

It really doesn't matter if it's us advising Phil or a physiotherapist. His GP can refer him to physio. Physio will advise him and show him how to exercise those muscles. They will print off the exercises for him to take home. Phil has to go home and do the work, and this is where it all falls down; as he freely admits, he's too lazy. :shrug:

29-08-22, 09:29
Well, if you pay as much attention to her advice as you do to ours, then I'd be inclined to agree with you.

I always feel like it's Groundhog Day with your threads, Phil. No matter what is said one day, the next day is always the same. Same words. Same complaints. Same refusal to help yourself.

What do you expect us (or anybody) to do when you won't even listen? :shrug:


29-08-22, 11:09
I just went for a telephone appointment hopefully that’s ok if they don’t get to physically see me? It’s a week to wait though. I assume if I explain the pains they can refer me or tell me to do the exercises? I can always try this week and if improves cancel the appointment. It’s been a few months and little has helped. Am I going to have to accept these pains will be here next week?

29-08-22, 11:14
I’m curious to why a simple mattress pain became chorionic and now anxiety could possibly do that.

29-08-22, 12:26
I always feel like it's Groundhog Day with your threads, Phil. No matter what is said one day, the next day is always the same. Same words. Same complaints. Same refusal to help yourself.

And we're all guilty for playing a part in the reruns. It doesn't matter what is said, positive, negative or otherwise :shrug:


29-08-22, 13:23
I’m curious to why a simple mattress pain became chorionic and now anxiety could possibly do that.

Remember that you can forget this pain when you're occupied and pain only becomes officially chronic when you've had it for 12 weeks on a daily basis.

29-08-22, 15:39
I’m curious to why a simple mattress pain became chorionic and now anxiety could possibly do that.

...and still no responses, to the prior posts......straight in there as if people are invisible.

29-08-22, 16:23
...and still no responses, to the prior posts......straight in there as if people are invisible.

I am grateful for the help but the pain has yet to go that’s why I’m still on this topic. I wish it would go away.

29-08-22, 16:30
I have restated this one today https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8d2KaC47ED0&t=22s&pp=2AEWkAIB I had previously noted some improvement doing this.

29-08-22, 16:39
I've always found stretches to be therapeutic. You need to target your glutes which are the biggest muscles and the most problematic when they play up.

29-08-22, 17:52
I do hope to cancel the appointment but really will it get better when the issue has been around since June? Don’t mean to be negative. I have noticed a slight improvement after those stretches but it’s not a cure is it?

29-08-22, 19:44
No of course it isn't. Not after one session of stretches. You do have to persevere and not just when you remember. You found the time for gambling so you have motivation if you're interested in something. Are you interested in giving the stretches a go for a week, 3-5 times a day?

29-08-22, 19:50
No of course it isn't. Not after one session of stretches. You do have to persevere and not just when you remember. You found the time for gambling so you have motivation if you're interested in something. Are you interested in giving the stretches a go for a week, 3-5 times a day?

I couldn’t be bothered moving and doing it but I done it once today the YouTube suggested atleast 3 times per day. I can try but right now I feel it will never go away? I don’t want to waste money on another mattress if that’s no cure either. I can try this week to see if I see any improvement.

29-08-22, 20:28
I couldn’t be bothered moving and doing it but I done it once today the YouTube suggested atleast 3 times per day.

For crying out loud ! Moaning about a little pain (which disappears when you forget about it !) and then given a potential solution and can't be bothered to do it........this sums these threads up.

29-08-22, 21:02
I couldn’t be bothered moving and doing it but I done it once today the YouTube suggested atleast 3 times per day. I can try but right now I feel it will never go away? I don’t want to waste money on another mattress if that’s no cure either. I can try this week to see if I see any improvement.

You won't be wasting any money by persevering with the stretches for a week, at least 3 times a day. Put the mattress issue to one side for the week and concentrate on these exercises?

29-08-22, 22:11
Done it twice notice a 10-20% improvement not enough but perhaps doing it more may help?

29-08-22, 23:19
Done it twice notice a 10-20% improvement not enough but perhaps doing it more may help?

Even if all you get out of it is a 10-20% improvement, isn't that worth it?


30-08-22, 08:02
I am grateful for the help but the pain has yet to go that’s why I’m still on this topic. I wish it would go away.

Phil, if you're grateful for people's help then maybe throw in some appreciation every now and then? :unsure:

As it is, it feels like you're not listening to any of us. :shrug:

'Is this thing on?' *taps the microphone*

Everything that can help you to help yourself has already been said IN THIS THREAD, several times over.

You can't wish this stuff away; you have to do the work.

If wishes alone were in any way effective, I'd be waking up next to Tom Hardy (minus the morning breath) and I would miraculously not look like Zelda from Terrahawks. :lac:

I've explained to you what happens with pain. I know about pain. I exist alongside it everyday thanks to my condition, and I've had to understand the nature of pain so that I can help myself as much as is possible. You're benefitting from the hundreds of pounds I've spent on books, the countless hours of internet research, and the months I spent in physiotherapy. You are receiving so much really great advice on this thread, and from numerous people. All you have to do is to read (as in read, not scan-read or ignore) these comments and apply what you learn from us. (What have you got to lose?)

The fact that your pain fully goes away when you don't think about it would suggest that this is predominantly a psychological issue. My pain was due to inflammation in my pelvis which could be seen on the MRI, and the only time I got any kind of relief was when I was lying on the sofa with my legs up against the wall (at a funny angle). I was pretty desperate by the time I went to see physio and I'd have gone out and rolled around in cow shit five times a day if they'd have told me that would have cured me of that horrible pain! :scared15:

Spending so much time on your @rse isn't good for anybody. You're going to experience some weird sensations, especially if those muscles in your bum are not being exercised enough. Muscles provide protection for what's underneath. They are the body's natural 'shock absorbers'. Because your brain is wired on 'high sensitivity', you are acutely aware of any discomfort (even slight), and your catastrophic thinking is triggering the stress response, and this can not only make pain worse, but it can also cause pain in the first place.

One thing I'd ask you to do is to work out where you naturally hold tension in your body. I hold mine in my buttocks, abdomen, and jaw. (I'm doing it now) You might find that you tense your buttocks. Stretching will absolutely help you here, as will progressive muscle relaxation. (The bad news is that you have to do some work)

You're not going to do a few stretches and wake up the next day feeling fine. One stretching session won't do it. (It took me several months of stretching every day- initially it was several times a day - to sort my @rse issue out)

You can continue to trawl out the excuses as to why you can't help yourself but you're actually choosing to suffer. (And I, for one, struggle to get my bonce around this) :shrug:

30-08-22, 08:06
Done it twice notice a 10-20% improvement not enough but perhaps doing it more may help?

At least 3 times a day for 7 days and then reassess how it is.

For 7 days not 7 sessions.

Give this a chance. You won't be spending money on doing basic stretches.

Don't give up easily. No pain, no gain.

30-08-22, 14:58
Had a few points today where the backside pain was away great news. However the pain seemed to be more on top of my legs just an ache feeling. Nora pointed out could be in the mind well seems the pain is shifting so would mean exercises may have to target new areas. I spoke to the therapist and she reckons relaxation deep breathing will help. She listened to how I felt but was all for writing stuff down ect. Last week or two the pains have moved around could be headaches chest pains. It would be good news if the backside pain would go but if the pain moves around elsewhere and I winning? I have been avoiding real money gambling only doing free bets. I have avoided the news a bit more but my mother still tells me lots of negative news. I still sit on my backside a lot all week. If anything I can see a link between pains moving around my body with anxiety?

30-08-22, 16:08
I have avoided the news a bit more but my mother still tells me lots of negative news.

Could you ask her not to do this?

30-08-22, 16:46
Some people like to scare and be the prophet of doom incarnate.. It's a form of gossiping, I suppose?

I take it your mother doesn't tolerate anxiety, Phil? Or pretends it doesn't exist?

30-08-22, 17:06
She knows I have anxiety but she’s old skool and thinks this stuff needs spoken about despite it not affecting me directly. Main thing is I told her to stop or I stop calling her as much. With my anxiety I have to limit what I hear or read maybe others are the same? It’s easy to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders which can have a negative impact on mental health.

31-08-22, 16:07
My life has been on hold this year due to these aches I want to go out less or book holidays less in the hope it will improve. I had a similar issue between March and June 2022 when I had a few bad panic attacks I decided to stay at home more? I have done a few exercises and trying to be proactive but I find it gets me down the pain?

31-08-22, 16:14
I have done a few exercises and trying to be proactive but I find it gets me down the pain?

Can you rate your pain, Phil? (Scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst pain you've ever experienced)

31-08-22, 21:34
Can you rate your pain, Phil? (Scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst pain you've ever experienced)

Good question. Well I decided to push myself and go out today went for a meal with my wife guess what I sat had the meal the pain was away or unnoticed.

The pain is a 4/5 out of ten. It just annoys me sometimes but if the if I am very busy it can go problem is I am not busy much.

31-08-22, 22:09
I sometimes get the burning bottom but not every week could that be related to the ache? So symptoms can be achy legs or backside and burning sometimes but not often

31-08-22, 22:20
I have sadly googled more stuff like MS.

01-09-22, 07:41
Good question. Well I decided to push myself and go out today went for a meal with my wife guess what I sat had the meal the pain was away or unnoticed.

The pain is a 4/5 out of ten. It just annoys me sometimes but if the if I am very busy it can go problem is I am not busy much.

Technically speaking, a 4 or 5 on the pain scale is moderate pain such as that of toothache pain, back pain, a headache or a sprain when you put weight on the area. If your pain typically goes away when you're distracted, then it's unlikely to be this level of pain. I think you're probably experiencing a minor level of pain (1,2, or 3) because these levels do not interfere with day-to-day activities and we're more able to adapt to this pain psychologically. (As in, it goes unnoticed).

To illustrate this, my buttock issue was a level 5/6. I couldn't walk without using a stick because I couldn't straighten up. I couldn't stand or sit without being in pain. The pain interfered with most of my daily activities, and I was preoccupied with managing the pain (or trying to). I couldn't do that by normal means because the issue didn't respond to OTC medication or even my prescription painkillers. I was prescribed muscle relaxants but was taken off them straight away due to side effects, so physio was my only option. It was impossible to ignore this level of pain in waking hours.

Would you still say that your pain is a 4/5?

01-09-22, 16:44
So you are saying I’m not in pain? I mean it’s not agony but it’s still annoying if I feel a friction sat too long burning feeling in my legs or backside? I never felt it 3 months before that. Sometimes I don’t notice it but never for too long? My worry is will it actually go away?

01-09-22, 23:40
Good description Nora. I've had 10 out of 10 pain (there are really no words to describe it either!) and my daily pain level is around a 1-3 on average. Not debilitating but annoying. Typically, OTC pain meds or creams for joint and muscle pain do the trick. And yes, if the pain is not noticeable when distracted then it does lend itself to low levels and the psychological effects of rumination.


02-09-22, 01:25
I have on and off deep, muscular butt pain from sciatica, which I'd rate as a 1 (periodic mild discomfort) on good days and a 6 on bad days (contorting myself into weird positions while sitting to try to ease the pain; really feeling it when the ibuprofen wears off; actively catching myself clenching my jaw or leaning on things to try to counteract the pain, etc.) It sometimes also, when it flares up, causes a fleeting burning/ice pick surface pain in my hip or butt, which I think is a paresthesia from the compressed nerve. Perhaps someone has said this already, but I wouldn't jump to any terrible conclusion, nor would I wholly say "oh, it's just anxiety." Rather, if physio consults are available where you are (here in some states in the USA you are entitled to at least 1 visit to a physiotherapist without a Rx) they may be able to evaluate you and tell you on the spot if it warrants a medical exam or not. It's not good to suffer in silence. But it IS good to remember that pain is rarely anything serious and that the phrase "That's a pain in the butt" exists for a reason...

02-09-22, 01:39
Thanks for the replies. I wish the pain would go but I only got round to doing exercises once or a twice a day at most. The doctor does call on Monday on phone but not sure if they will help. I am speaking to the Therapist who recommends deep muscle relaxation music. I fear I may have health anxiety until the pain goes? Maybe it will never go? Maybe I am being impatient? Problem is I struggle it take my mind off it. If I really engage myself in something it can go for an hour or so?

02-09-22, 07:26
So you are saying I’m not in pain?

I'm not saying this at all, Phil. If you'd read my comment properly you would understand this. (Not being in pain would rate as zero on the pain scale)

I mean it’s not agony but it’s still annoying

What I've tried to do is to make you rethink the dialogue you're putting into your brain.

You keep saying how the pain 'goes away' when you're not focusing on it? This implies that the issue is all in your head, or you are experiencing minor pain.

You rated your pain as 4/5 which is moderate pain, as in pain that cannot be ignored. I spend a lot of time in moderate pain and my migraines cause me severe pain and they are a good 8/9 on the pain scale requiring prescription medication. I struggle to function even in the basic way. It hurts to breathe. I've experienced 10/10 pain in childbirth. (Albeit worth it) Those minor pain days are my 'good days'. (The last time I recall being in zero pain was 2008)

but it’s still annoying if I feel a friction sat too long burning feeling in my legs or backside

The simple answer is to MOVE. We're not designed to spend too long sat on our behinds. Get up, move about and get blood flowing into those muscles!

My worry is will it actually go away?

That very much depends on you..

02-09-22, 07:34
Just wanted to add my agreement here. This week I've been back in work and chained to my desk for hours on end, and my bum and hips have been getting pretty sore. I'd call it pain scale 2, in that it's not pleasant and I have to get up occasionally to walk it off but it's still no more than a nuisance.

02-09-22, 07:36
I fear I may have health anxiety until the pain goes?

Give my regards to my old mate HA then (Because he will be with you for the foreseeable)

Maybe it will never go?

Mine went way. (But I did the exercises)

Maybe I am being impatient? Problem is I struggle it take my mind off it. If I really engage myself in something it can go for an hour or so?

Which is why this is a minor pain issue..

Nothing will change while you continue to catastrophise, spend hours sat on your bum, and you're not exercising those muscles. :shrug:

Another tip: I use an orthopaedic cushion on my chairs. I bought it when I had my bum issue, but I've continued to use it. (And it helps)

02-09-22, 08:15
My advice would be to give the discomfort less significance in your mind as everyone says. Downgrade it to a background nuisance. If you big it up it won't go away.

If you give up on the exercises at such an early stage then you'll never know how something so easy could have helped you get on top of this but so be it. We've done our best to help you but you've got to listen and do the work now.

02-09-22, 08:25
We've done our best to help you but you've got to listen and do the work now.

I agree, P. I don't see the point in anymore replies on this thread re advice on this (we're just on repeat mode, and we've all got lives, right?)

It's up to Phil now.

05-09-22, 14:30
The doctor called on phone today. They said I can take more propranlol and is keen I stick to the CBT deep muscle relaxations and exercises. Maybe by calling I will have go some reassurance often I get similar pains in my legs so maybe alot of anxiety going on.