View Full Version : Still got this damn wheeze on force exhale

03-06-22, 12:40
So I actually spoke to doctors on Wednesday morning via phone appointment which didn't really go anywhere she asked what it sounded like and gave examples and I picked the one like the low tone wheeze and she said to do nothing and leave it for a month or two as she said it could take a bit after covid. I wish I had asked more questions but that's gone.

So basically even lying down I can't feel it, when I get up and walk around I can feel it it's weird because it's not on normal breathing just like a force exhale or when I laugh at times. Weird thing it doesn't make sense sometimes I can keep breathing in and out deep and after about 3 4 it disappears but it will come back. And sometimes I can do the above but it won't go could this be anxiety hyperventilating and it will stay when you panic.

I'm just really worried in case it's permanent lung damage or scarring and it'll never go surely if it was just mucus it would have gone by now after a month? I do have hayfever but I've been taking piriteze every day so surely that's not it.

Finally what is meant by breathlessness is it just breathing a little faster via nose or mouth or is it like totallt gasping like you've just ran around the street 2 or 3 times? I can run up the stairs etc at work and I breath a little faster or more but not stop to actually catch my breath. Thing is I know have anxiety about doing anything physical and I'm like I'll get breathless, I'll get breathless so I'm already panicking before trying anything hence the elevated breathing. Not even tried to run because too scared to even try.

I'm just struggling at the moment I thought I'd at least get an appointment so they could listen to it and that would put my mind at ease but just over the phone not really feeling reassured. My actual fear although I guess unlucky is if it's undiagnosed asthma and it'll just shoot into an attack or my lungs will just flood with the mucus but I guess this is over reacting.

Distraction isn't really working for me the panic is always on and off over it if it was asthma would you get the wheeze on regular breathing?

03-06-22, 13:10
Question is, who, on a regular basis, forces an exhale? Anyone, who does that deliberately is going to hear what you describe.


03-06-22, 13:50
Question is, who, on a regular basis, forces an exhale? Anyone, who does that deliberately is going to hear what you describe.


Noise I think yes but the actual vibration feeling there's definitely mucus or something there

03-06-22, 13:57
So I actually spoke to doctors...she said to do nothing and leave it for a month or two as she said it could take a bit after covid....I guess this is over reacting.

Indeed it is...


03-06-22, 18:31
My fiance had COVID and she had something similar to you. Except she was BREATHLESS for like a month. And when I say breathless, I mean that there is absolutely zero room for debate on what breathless means. She's a very healthy person, works out, does yoga/pilates, etc. and she had about a month where she would have to sit down and catch her breath after bringing our dog out to pee. Covid can be a real pain in the ass for weeks and months after you recover.

If the doctor wasn't concerned, you shouldn't be concerned. I know it's annoying and stressful, but it sounds to me like you are just having a normal recovery from Covid mixed with your anxiety. Like I said, if you were experiencing breathlessness, you wouldn't have to try and figure out what it was. You would know.

04-06-22, 11:33
My fiance had COVID and she had something similar to you. Except she was BREATHLESS for like a month. And when I say breathless, I mean that there is absolutely zero room for debate on what breathless means. She's a very healthy person, works out, does yoga/pilates, etc. and she had about a month where she would have to sit down and catch her breath after bringing our dog out to pee. Covid can be a real pain in the ass for weeks and months after you recover.

If the doctor wasn't concerned, you shouldn't be concerned. I know it's annoying and stressful, but it sounds to me like you are just having a normal recovery from Covid mixed with your anxiety. Like I said, if you were experiencing breathlessness, you wouldn't have to try and figure out what it was. You would know.

Thank you, what do you rekon then just mucus may be that will take some time to go? I think if it was asthma it would come and go not be constant one things for sure I hope it goes soon. Waking up recently I have like a mucus feeling at back on throat either hayfever I think or maybe even dust but you'd think if that was the case after taking antihistamine the wheeze would go never been affected by dust before can you just develop an allergy?

04-06-22, 23:24
Thank you, what do you rekon then just mucus may be that will take some time to go? I think if it was asthma it would come and go not be constant one things for sure I hope it goes soon. Waking up recently I have like a mucus feeling at back on throat either hayfever I think or maybe even dust but you'd think if that was the case after taking antihistamine the wheeze would go never been affected by dust before can you just develop an allergy?

I can’t say for sure but I never had problems with allergies until I was in my late 20s. Not sure how old you are but the body is always changing and developing allergies and stuff like that.

My guess is just that your body is recovering from Covid. Or maybe it’s allergies. Either way, its nothing sounds very concerning to me. Granted, I’m not a doctor but your doctor didn’t seem concerned either :-)

05-06-22, 13:55
I can’t say for sure but I never had problems with allergies until I was in my late 20s. Not sure how old you are but the body is always changing and developing allergies and stuff like that.

My guess is just that your body is recovering from Covid. Or maybe it’s allergies. Either way, its nothing sounds very concerning to me. Granted, I’m not a doctor but your doctor didn’t seem concerned either :-)

Thank you, It's up and down really sometimes i'm ok others I panic It's worse in the morning when i first wake up but then settles a bit. I just have this lingering fear that my lungs could flood any minute and i can't breathe but looking at that now that's the irrational side of my brain and I'm trying best to ignore that part and get on with my day

05-06-22, 13:55
I can’t say for sure but I never had problems with allergies until I was in my late 20s. Not sure how old you are but the body is always changing and developing allergies and stuff like that.

My guess is just that your body is recovering from Covid. Or maybe it’s allergies. Either way, its nothing sounds very concerning to me. Granted, I’m not a doctor but your doctor didn’t seem concerned either :-)

Thank you, It's up and down really sometimes i'm ok others I panic It's worse in the morning when i first wake up but then settles a bit. I just have this lingering fear that my lungs could flood any minute and i can't breathe but looking at that now that's the irrational side of my brain and I'm trying best to ignore that part and get on with my day

05-06-22, 18:17
To the OP:

years ago I used to have to do tests for occupational asthma, which involved the dreaded spirometer! Sure enough, at the end of that test (where you have to expel everything to measure your lung capacity) and I felt like I was going to turn inside out, I used to wheeze and cough.

The last one I did was about fifteen years ago; as you can see I'm still here.

05-06-22, 21:10
I’ve never heard of lungs flooding before.

Do you have reflux by any chance? That can cause excess mucus, and I find sometimes it’s worse for me in the morning.

05-06-22, 23:44
I’ve never heard of lungs flooding before.

Do you have reflux by any chance? That can cause excess mucus, and I find sometimes it’s worse for me in the morning.

I have actually been having some pretty bad heartburn the last few weeks not sure if anxiety is fueling that but I've stopped eating late on a night now or i will as it's annoying at times. I was actually physically sick with it 2 weeks ago in the morning but i did eat and drink way too much the night before.