View Full Version : Freaking out about skin cancer

04-06-22, 15:09
So I have a "lump" or something on my jawline just in front of my earlobe.. I've had this before and was referred to a dermatologist after antibiotics didn't work and a skin scrape didn't show any infection or bacteria. By the time I saw the dermatologist (NHS waiting times, so two months after referral, but the actual lump had been there for about four months before I could get the referral due to trying to get an appointment with my GP, the course of abx, the skin test etc). However by the time I saw the dermatologist it had reduced to a scar type thing where there was only slight scaling left, and the dermatologist didn't do much about it in the end, just looked with a magnifying thing or a light or something and said it should go.
I thought nothing of it anymore since I do get seberrohic dermatitis so sometimes I get flaky skin there but two weeks ago I got the swelling arising again (only slightly tender), and I spoke to the doctor about 8 days ago who gave me the antibiotics again as at that time it was just a red swollen bump. Now I've finished the course, and it looks WORSE than before. It looks like a weird red dome type shape, and it's not that tender at all. It kind of has a bit of a shiny exterior which is what freaked me out because I did the stupid thing and googled and now am convinced I have some rare aggressive form of skin cancer and am likely to not live if I don't see a doctor straight away.

I tried to understand about it being moveable and such but I don't really know what a "fixed" lump feels like vs a "moveable" one so I'm panicking over that too since it seems quite firm. There's also been no discharge at all from it. :/

I've managed to scare myself into a frenzy and of course the last couple of days GP was closed and with it being the Jubilee weekend.. I'm scared waiting too long will mean a worse outcome, especially knowing how long NHS waiting lists will be. :weep:

I feel like having had this thing a while means I've left it too long and now it's too late, so my health anxiety is of course at its worst again.
I guess mainly I just wanted an outlet as I'm scared and don't know what else to do..

thanks for reading, regardless.

06-06-22, 21:52
Doubt very much it will be cancer if it went away pretty much . Dermatologist would have known .But go back to gp . If you can afford private I think you can self refer to a dermatologist.

08-06-22, 19:02
Skin cancer won't come and go. Once it's there, it doesn't stop it just keeps on growing. Cancer shouldn't be on your mind.

09-06-22, 09:11
Skin cancer won't come and go. Once it's there, it doesn't stop it just keeps on growing.

Bottom line...