View Full Version : Dang!

05-06-22, 21:57
As many here know, my daughter suffers from anxiety and depression. She's been in therapy and on meds for the last ten years. Her and her husband are having a formal wedding at the end of the month. They had gotten married two years ago during the height of the pandemic and had a small wedding at my ex's home for immediate family and friends. So now, they're having the whole deal.

Anyway, I picked up the phone to give her call and see how things were going and saw my son had called about 10 minutes earlier so I called him back. He told me my ex needed to speak with me. My daughter has been going through a rough patch and today, she got in her car and left, leaving behind several notes that indicated she was in danger of harming herself. My ex called 911 and a couple of my daughter's friends reached out to her by phone. One friend was able to reach her and between that and using her phone's tracking info, her husband and friend were able to track her down. She willingly came home and agreed to being admitted to the mental hospital.

So she's there at least for the next week or so and although for the moment, the wedding party is still on, its really up in the air depending on what happens. This really sucks! As a parent, I'm always there for her and do what I can to encourage her journey to healing but I also know all too well that sometimes, despite our best efforts, all the love and support in the world cannot stop an ill mind and its such a helpless feeling :(

I'll be calling the hospital in the morning to speak with the doctors and get a better picture of what's going on. Her close friend feels she suffers from bi-polar in addition to anxiety and depression which actually makes sense as she can be upbeat and positive one day and totally the opposite the next. I'm just hoping the hospital and doctors can provide the help and support she needs to get her out the hellhole she's currently in.

So when I see some of the posters here displaying the same patterns, it truly concerns me and I've said as much many times. Please, get real life help and have a real life support system in place. Words on a screen may not be enough to overcome the dragon demon when he's breathing fire down your neck.


06-06-22, 00:34
I'm really sorry to hear that your daughter is going through this FMP. I hope she gets the help she needs and is back on the road to healing soon. Mental health problems can be so unpredictable sometimes, and I can only imagine how stressful it is for you, and how helpless it makes you feel to see her struggle with that dragon.

I agree that words on a screen can only do so much. As somebody who has walked the edge of no return many times, it was only when I had face to face interaction, with a professional who held me accountable, that I started to pull myself out of the well. No amount of written words or well wishes reached into the dark, as much as I wanted them to.

06-06-22, 05:29
FMP, I'm so sorry. It must at least be a minor comfort that she's willing to get treatment.

Sending good wishes and positive vibes, for what they're worth.

06-06-22, 06:26
Oh FMP, I'm sorry to hear that she's going through a really tough patch. She's in the right place to get help and she has all of you to support her.

Best wishes to all of you.

06-06-22, 08:25
I hope that she's able to benefit from the hospital's expertise and that she feels more stable very soon. Maybe the prospect of a formal wedding is just too much for her at the moment but only she knows the trigger for what happened. It's very hard to watch your children suffer mentally and emotionally but at least she is in a safe place now.

06-06-22, 09:15
So sorry to hear this, FMP.

One of my lads went through an episode like this about a year ago. It was heart-in-mouth time as a parent. Your daughter has a very supportive Papa. My heart goes out to you all mate..

06-06-22, 13:43
Sorry to hear what she’s going through FMP :weep:

Stay strong all of you. You all have my very best wishes.

06-06-22, 19:29
Fishmanpa, I'm very sorry to hear this about your daughter. At the same time, it's a cry for help and hopefully she will come out of this much better. We've had our own run in over why I'm still here, but I couldn't just read and leave. I've come along way since my initial breakdown and the members that I have met have been so supportive, giving me courage and I truly believe that has helped me. People that can relate to the way that I feel, who have been through it or still going through it. I know how much your daughter means to you and know you will be there for her. Sending you my blessing for a good outcome and a celebration she deserves.

06-06-22, 23:36
Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts. I spoke with her today and because she voluntarily went into the hospital, she can check out when she wants. She plans on staying at least 3 days if not a few more. The doctors adjusted her meds and added a new one (Abilify) and that should kick in pretty quick. She told me what was going on and what happened over the last several months and how it triggered her. Things spiraled leading to what happened. At least for now, she's in good hands and safe. We'll see how things go....


11-06-22, 12:50
I wanted to post an update so I'll use my daughter's FB post....

Trigger Warning: suicidal thoughts

I spent the past seven days in a psych ward.

If you have been following me, you know that my mental health has been more than rocky. Well, I finally hit a breaking point. I started having suicidal thoughts; and I even made a plan. Life has not been enjoyable for a while; I didn’t feel anything anymore except pain. Even the love I had for others weren’t there. I went through the emotions, but that’s it. I was told how much I was loved, but it didn’t make a difference. No matter what coping skill I did, it didn’t work. The anxiety and depression just took completely over and shut out my higher self. I truly thought I was not going to survive this.

When I made that plan, I texted Crisis, and they talked me down. By Saturday, I broke. My anxiety spiked and I went into flight mode; I packed my bags, left my goodbye notes, and peaced. Though I had my phone on DND, a phone call from one of my friends came through. At that point I was on I 95 heading south. I was so upset and so fed up with feeling the way I was feeling; but she calmly talked to me and convinced me to turn around, so I did.
When I returned home, I learned that the police was called. I had two choices that day: 201-i sign myself into impatient into the hospital of my choice, or have the police 302-I involuntarily get put into the closest hospital psych ward, which is a hospital I DID NOT want to go to. I chose to 201 myself. As terrified as I was to do impatient treatment, I knew I needed help.

In the psych ward, it wasn’t all peaches and cream, but, I’m so glad I went. I worked with a psychiatrist daily. I spoke to a social worker daily. I went to therapy groups daily. I made new connections, and learned a new coping skill that I grew to love.

I’m grateful that I was able to get the help I need, and for my support system who has my back and loves me no matter what.https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t96/1/16/1f49c.png

I’m sharing this because this is important, and this is what can happen when your mental health reaches a breaking point. Take care of you, and know you are loved, and never alone. https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t96/1/16/1f49c.png

Crisis #: text HOME to 741741
#mentalillnessrecovery #depression #anxiety #yourenotalone

11-06-22, 21:18
Thank you for the update….my continued good wishes. X

12-06-22, 07:39
Thanks for the update FMP, things sound much more positive.

12-06-22, 10:39
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that things are more positive.

16-06-22, 23:58
My daughter's latest post...

“I almost lost this. I almost gave this up. I’m grateful to be here.” - my thoughts in this moment I captured.

This most recent depressive/anxiety episode made me think it would be better to end my life, to end the pain; I believed the thoughts. The people around me told me they loved me, and assured me that I wasn’t a burden.; but, when the negative thoughts have you in its clutch, you feel so horrible, and nothing anyone says makes a difference; you just want the pain to end.

Though it was not easy, I got the help. Because I did that, I enjoyed and took in this moment right here.

For anyone who is struggling, I am just a DM, text, or call away. I know how bad it can feel, but I assure you that there is help, and you can heal. https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t96/1/16/1f49c.png

I’m glad we are still here. https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t4c/1/16/1f642.png"


17-06-22, 07:18
What a lovely post FMP.

04-07-22, 20:27
I thought I'd post an update. As was posted, my daughter was released from the hospital and they added another med to her regime. She was feeling better and my wife and I traveled up for the wedding /reception (they married in 2020 but this was a post COVID deal). What I didn't know and found out was that the med was making her manic. So the really upbeat and positive person was being countered by the opposite due to the meds. In fact, after the rehearsal, the entire wedding party went to dinner and a really great seafood place and she ended up having a panic attack and had to step outside to gather herself. That said, ceremony #2 and the reception went off without a hitch.

I spoke with her the other day and she told me what was going on with the meds and frankly, with everything that happened prior, then getting out of the hospital and thrown back into the blender with the wedding was a bit much for her and she's been mentally exhausted. She also told me about her desire to try to get off meds and go natural. While I'm not 100% behind that, her psychiatrist is on it and they are going to take a trial error approach to replacing the meds with natural elements that have shown to be beneficial.

So we'll see. They took her off the Ability and she's feeling better so there's some light at the end of the tunnel. I'm just very proud of her for fighting as hard as she does.


05-07-22, 07:37
I'm just very proud of her for fighting as hard as she does.

Rightly so FMP. Your daughter is indeed a fighter. Also, she's using her experience to help others with their MH issues. Good on her I say!

05-07-22, 10:30
I'm 100% natural FMP and I can definitely say it is not easy because you feel everything! But saying that if your daughter applies a lot of work, and I have a feeling she will, she'll do good. Lots of mindfulness, a balanced day, good diet, meditation, gentle exercise, and time out for herself.
There is another option and that's a life coach. These are available through the Internet but obviously check out their credibility before engaging.
It's so good you got to see your daughter it would have meant a lot to her.

05-07-22, 12:32
I'm 100% natural FMP and I can definitely say it is not easy because you feel everything! But saying that if your daughter applies a lot of work, and I have a feeling she will, she'll do good. Lots of mindfulness, a balanced day, good diet, meditation, gentle exercise, and time out for herself.
There is another option and that's a life coach. These are available through the Internet but obviously check out their credibility before engaging.
It's so good you got to see your daughter it would have meant a lot to her.

She actually is a certified self-love coach and her and a friend have a FB group dedicated to helping others. They host live sessions weekly. She's on it concerning diet exercise, meditation etc. So we'll see.


05-07-22, 12:36
Your daughter is clearly awesome, FMP :)

05-07-22, 17:38
Your daughter is definitely a fighter FMP.!