View Full Version : High blood pressure- what actually works?

Pearly queen
06-06-22, 19:03
I’m so fed up. My bp has been messing around for a few years after being fairly stable. I’m on bp meds for 15 years and am now 52. I increased lisinopril to 20mg and that settled things. A dry cough that wouldn’t go away prompted my doctor to change my meds to 50mg of losartan. My bp was 138/84 a month ago. Today 178/75 and when checked again the bottom number rose to 98 and then down a bit to 90. My doctor then prescribed 5mg of Amlopidine as well. She said to come back in 3 weeks.
I hate taking meds and hate having to trial new ones. I’d prefer to go back to lisinopril as I knew where I was with it. The dry cough persists but has improved with an inhaler so that leads me to believe it has nothing to do with the bp medication. The doctor was hearing none of that! I’ve had a clear chest X-ray in the last week.
Btw I’m slim, don’t drink or smoke and eat a mostly plant based healthy diet. I do occasionally eat junk food but mostly I’m pretty healthy. I’ve tried magnesium, grape seed extract, hibiscus tea, meditation (which calms me but is having no effect on my blood pressure). Nothing seems to help.
Anyone got any useful suggestions or experience of this?