View Full Version : Muscle twitching all over

07-06-22, 04:41
Does anyone else get muscle twitching and hypnic jerks?
Should I be worried about developing seizures or something?
It seems like it's getting worse.
If anyone else experiences stuff like this, what do you do about it?

08-06-22, 14:22
Does anyone else get muscle twitching and hypnic jerks?

Yes. (I've had a muscle twitch in my toe for months, full body jerks as well as muscle twitching in my legs, hands, eyes, arms and random muscles twitches elsewhere inc my bum)

Should I be worried about developing seizures or something?

I haven't developed seizures and I've been like this for the best part of 11 years..

It seems like it's getting worse.

What could be getting worse is your fixation with these symptoms and when we fixate and catastrophise everything feels worse..

If anyone else experiences stuff like this, what do you do about it?

Stop focusing on it, do exercises, challenge my thoughts...