View Full Version : finally got an EKG, and being referred to cardiologist

09-06-22, 19:47
Finally, after years of dealing with this weirdness with my heart (occasional hard, distracting beats and palpitations, usually along with heartburn/indigestion) I finally was able to clearly tell my new doctor what I had been experiencing and they did an EKG as well as blood work. They said everything was normal except it appeared my upper ventricle (i think it was ventricle?) and lower did not match. She was not immediately concerned but is going to have a cardiologist look at it and I might have more tests. Of course this made me freak out and I cried in the car on the way home. I'm just terrified my fears about my heart are true, even if it doesn't mean sudden death or something extreme, I'm just scared I have some condition that I'll have to manage and that will put me at risk of heart attacks or other scary things as I get older. I'm scared that taking antibiotics caused this because that's when this all started. I've done so much to improve my health anxiety so like, I'm going to cope as best as I can but I'm just still really scared and this waiting period is the worst. I'm at once relieved and happy I have a really nice doctor but scared at the same time. :sad: