View Full Version : Brain tumor concerns. Struggling

10-06-22, 02:56
For about a week I have these strange surges of pain radiating at the top of my head. It’s started last Saturday and happensthroughout the day. It’s not a constant headache but a flash of pain on top of my head that lasts a few seconds. Now my mind is going nuts and I’m scared of brain cancer. I rarely get headaches. Does anyone know what thsi could be other than the worst casescenario? I could really use some words of encouragement.

10-06-22, 08:12
Sort ya font out Christy, it's tiny!

What you're describing sounds like an 'Ice-pick' headache which is a type of migraine. I have them occasionally..

10-06-22, 10:22
Sounds a lot like ice pick headaches which are harmless. I get those a lot.

Also, your scalp is covered in nerves and it doesn't take much to irritate them or make them randomly fire off which can feel similar to ice pick headaches. Top of the head is particularly prone to that kind of pain, especially if you're tense.

11-06-22, 05:08
Thank you both for the responses it helped me sleep better last night. My head felt better today after 5 straight days of them. Ice pick is not a good name.