View Full Version : Tongue ulcer and ear and throat pain

11-06-22, 15:54
Thanks in advance for reading and any advice much appreciated. For about 2-3 weeks I’ve had an ulcer on the right underneath edge of my tongue, plus a sore throat and ear pain on the same side (right). I’ve seen 2 ENT consultants who were reassuring- put a camera up my nose to see the throat and nothing showed up there. But I’m worried the ulcer isn’t going and that’s what is causing the referred ear/throat pain - main worry is oral cancer. One of the consultants said they’d do further investigations (scans, biopsies) if it hadn’t gone in 3-4 further weeks. I’ll be worried the whole time! Has anyone had anything similar? Thank you

13-06-22, 14:48
What are you treating the ulcer with?

Try salt water in cooled boiled water. Swill it around your mouth several times a day. I took a chunk out of my tongue the other day and one day of the salt water and it's fine...