View Full Version : Foamy Urine kidney fear

12-06-22, 18:57
Getting a lot of bubbles/foam also lower back ache. Worried about Kidney disease. I've sarted peeing in a pint glass to examine it (tmi I know and apologise 😟 ), anyone else have this issue ? This has been going on for a while to be honest and I mentioned it to doc along with all my other multiple complaints about 6 months ago and it was tested and Normal? Now not sure if it's getting worse and indeed I'm starting to worry that they didn't test it properly. You can buy test strips off Amazon , but not sure I want to go down that path .

12-06-22, 20:00
I've had this for the last sixteen years at least; I've had urine tests as part of my diabetic screening and so far, no problems have been found.

12-06-22, 20:22
Thanks for confirming, I'm probably hyper aware of it .

12-06-22, 21:50
I'm probably hyper aware of it .

I've started peeing in a pint glass to examine it (tmi I know and apologise  )

Ya think? :whistles: Based on the fact that 6 months ago it was tested and normal, you really need to put an end to the over the top self examination behaviors and move on from this.


13-06-22, 09:54
Agree totally, rationally I know this is probably a bit odd 🙁

13-06-22, 15:02
Went through this not long ago. Told my doctor about it and did a full urinalysis and it was completely fine. Doc kindly explained to me that there is a big difference between kidney disease foamy urine and what us health anxiety sufferers consider foamy urine. People with kidney issues have urine that completely fills the toilet, not just on the surface of the water, like 3 or 4 inches of thick white foam that doesn't go away unless you flush the toilet like 9 times. He also said that foamy urine isn't as big of an indicator of kidney disease as people think. He said "if you start peeing out Coca-Cola for weeks straight, then you can worry"

13-06-22, 16:21
Thanks for this, certainly not that bad. But I'll go to docs if it changes

14-06-22, 08:21
I got foamy urine as well, freaked me out a bit but always thought was gravity that causes it. Just had a bunch of urine tests done (for other reasons) and everything was clear so maybe I was right.

14-06-22, 08:26
Make sure you give that pint glass a good rinsing out...:huh:

Then again, I've crapped into a Tupperware box during my tango with HA soooooo.....:whistles:

14-06-22, 16:25
Make sure you give that pint glass a good rinsing out...:huh:

Then again, I've crapped into a Tupperware box during my tango with HA soooooo.....:whistles:

When I was having my kidney disease anxiety, I legitimately got down on my knees so I could smell if my pee had an ammonia smell. Having health anxiety can make you do some absolutely wild stuff that seems perfectly rational and reasonable at the time, but when you look back on it you realize how bad it is.

15-06-22, 11:23
I am currently doing my best to avoid looking at other end. I have gone through that as well 😕. I know this could be labeled as eccentric behaviour.

15-06-22, 13:14
I am having this for the past 3 years or so. Still alive and well.

Aside from not looking at it, just throw a bit of toilet paper in before you start peeing and foam will disappear quickly.

15-06-22, 13:25
It's been a year since I first posted on here, main trigger was sudden onset of ice cold feet and feeling so cold I had to sit in hot bath despite heatvwave and not getting warm. This has not got any worse and if anything has reduced so I'm hoping its nothing sinisiter. I do wonder if this was a side effect of covid vaccine.

15-06-22, 13:26
When I was having my kidney disease anxiety, I legitimately got down on my knees so I could smell if my pee had an ammonia smell. Having health anxiety can make you do some absolutely wild stuff that seems perfectly rational and reasonable at the time, but when you look back on it you realize how bad it is.

Crapping into a Tupperware box makes pee-sniffing sound normal.

Not to mention using the handle of an old toothbrush to poke things around..

Totes cringe mate! :blush:

15-06-22, 21:54
People outside this forum would think we are nuts.

I have done not great things but I will pat myself in the back for not peeing in a pint glass or poop in a tupperware... but hey, could still happen lol

16-06-22, 06:14
People outside this forum would think we are nuts.

I have done not great things but I will pat myself in the back for not peeing in a pint glass or poop in a tupperware... but hey, could still happen lol

Irrationality (and dignity) go out the window with health anxiety.. :blush:

Tupp's last stand was to aid me in my search for evidence from an imaginary disease of the colon. Even so, I lined him with 4 ply bog roll (standards)..

And me in the bathroom with my bare @rse in the air - rooting through my poo with an old toothbrush - seemed entirely normal behaviour at the time... :whistles:

You have to laugh, eh? :scared15:

17-06-22, 22:38
only way to get through it is to laugh at the silly things we have done. HA is really terrible, from the eyes of people that don't have it we look crazy (which I guess we are a little bit)

18-06-22, 08:18
only way to get through it is to laugh at the silly things we have done.
