View Full Version : Right pinky and right toe numb

13-06-22, 02:12
Hi everyone,

Unfortunately I’ve been feeling some numbness in my right pinky and ring finger along with some slight numbness in right foot. It’s sooo frustrating. What’s even more sad is that I recently tested pregnant with our third child. My husband is over the moon and I should be as well, but I’m just too darn worried about my pinky and toe. I’m scared for the two beautiful children that I do have. I’m scared that this numbness has come as a result of something more serious. How can I possibly enjoy this pregnancy while being so anxious? Please help if you have any similar experiences.

13-06-22, 08:38
I have this in my left side. Ill get numbness in my left nostril, eye, left hand and left foot, all at once. It comes and goes for me but can hang around for days too.
It's an awful feeling, but try not to panic (easier said than done). It's not always the worst case scenario. It can feel like it because its so hard to find people with the same type of issue talking about it, but I'm starting to think one sided numbness is a lot more common than it seems.

If it helps - I've had a bunch of tests for mine. I've had my head scanned three times in an MRI, one CT, one MRA, and neuro workup, and there's nothing serious going on up there.

Does yours come and go? Come on all at once? (right hand and foot at exactly the same time etc).

Congratulations by the way!

13-06-22, 19:07
Thank you for your response. So interesting how you had something similar! I’m not sure how much of it is real and how much isn’t. My right foot pinky toe feels slightlyyyy numb. And my right hand pinky tip and ring finger tip feel slightly numb. But I really have to press down to feel the numbness. It’s at the same time though

14-06-22, 12:32
It can feel the same way for me, a vague numbness that comes and goes. My numbness is mainly in my pinky and ring finger too, along with the corresponding toes, and sole of my foot. Sometimes it turns to a stonger feeling of numbness, like my surface sensations are dulled but I know the skin is being pressed down on. Somebody I know who has a medical background said it sounds like something is exciting the central nervous system, because both hand and foot (and face) happen at the same time, but nothing that would raise concern for her. She mentioned that it could also just be one nerve being compressed and my body perceiving it as multiple nerves instead. It's certainly a strange one!

I hope you feel better soon.

From anything I've read from other people with these symptoms, nothing ever really comes of it. Many of them had a bucket full of tests done and nothing showed up. So that should be somewhat reassuring :)

02-07-24, 22:56
I am having this right now, my shoulder feels tight, sometimes when I press on the ulna near my wrist on my right hand my pinky will go numb, I can still feel when I lay my pink on something or touch something, however the skin kind of feels numb, and the back of my right heel one side of it will get tight and hurt when I am walking not always but sometimes so I don't know what is going on, it's been like this for three days. Not sure if I pulled or pinched something, and my wrist feels a bit tight like I need to pop it, it's only affecting my pinky the lower side towards the ulna.