View Full Version : Esophagus/Stomach issue

13-06-22, 11:41
Hi all,

I had issues late last year whereby it turned out to be gastritis, I was getting full up easily and had slight pain below the ribcage. I took prescribed tablets and it went within 2 weeks.

I now have an issue and am awaiting a doctors call but they take days. It started on Saturday where I felt slightly sick and whenever I ate I could feel the food go down...particularly near the middle of ribcage just above the sternum area. I googled (I know I shouldn't and esophagus Cancer came up. I'm 37 so hopefully I am being paranoid. No other real symptoms but was very stressed the other day. I took gaviscon the other day which seemed to help the sickness and I was burping a bit. it's just the feeling of food going down now, it's more when it's harder food, bread etc. Can anyone help.

13-06-22, 14:20
Hi all,

I had issues late last year whereby it turned out to be gastritis, I was getting full up easily and had slight pain below the ribcage. I took prescribed tablets and it went within 2 weeks.

I now have an issue and am awaiting a doctors call but they take days. It started on Saturday where I felt slightly sick and whenever I ate I could feel the food go down...particularly near the middle of ribcage just above the sternum area. I googled (I know I shouldn't and esophagus Cancer came up. I'm 37 so hopefully I am being paranoid. No other real symptoms but was very stressed the other day. I took gaviscon the other day which seemed to help the sickness and I was burping a bit. it's just the feeling of food going down now, it's more when it's harder food, bread etc. Can anyone help.

Doctors have got back to me and said they want to see me today! Now I am panicking big time. Have dealt with my health anxiety so well too.

13-06-22, 14:40
I feel sick with worry

13-06-22, 14:49
I've had problems with anxiety googling for years. Google has diagnosed me with cancer like 50 times so far and I've had cancer exactly zero times. It's gotten to the point where if Google says I have cancer, it's almost reassuring because it has been wrong 100% of the time. If Google ever told me that something wasn't cancer, then I would be concerned.

The doctor probably wants to see you today because of your discomfort and because they had an opening. I'm sure whatever they tell you is going to be something simple (like your gastritis) and will be cleared up with diet changes or medication. I know you are freaking out because they are getting you in today, but it's a blessing because now you don't have to wait for weeks to wonder what is going on. Keep us updated!

13-06-22, 14:53
Doctors have got back to me and said they want to see me today! Now I am panicking big time. Have dealt with my health anxiety so well too.

Doesn't mean anything willous. This has happened to me loads of times. Think of it this way; you don't have to wait a few weeks to see the GP..

P.S, try eating food that goes down easier. Why make this harder for yourself?

13-06-22, 16:25
Thank you both, I will let you know how I get on.

13-06-22, 18:18
I have just been to the doctor. She was really nice but asked me to have an Endoscopy and blood tests which I now have to wait for. She said Gastritis is to blame but we need to rule things out....that has made me a wreck. She said stress may have flared things up but I don't know. She felt tummy which is fine. I don't think I am going to get through the next few weeks. The feeling has died down a bit. I mentioned cancer and she just said, unlikely.

13-06-22, 20:43
I know you are focusing on the "rule things out" aspect of this, but you should absolutely be encouraged by the sounds of it. The physician doesn't think it's anything like cancer and sounds convinced that it is gastritis. Also, when the doctor says "rule things out" that doesn't just mean cancer. It means acid reflux and a whole host of other things which are totally minor and normal (food allergies, IBS, that kind of thing).

I know how it feels to worry and have to wait, but it sounds to me like you are going to be completely fine. Going to be something easily manageable. Try to relax :)

13-06-22, 20:55
Thank you 🙂

She said its not an urgent referral and even said I can cancel it if symptoms get better but I will definitely go. Need to wait 2 weeks for a blood test but its not too long.

They need to start subscribing Diazapem again 🤣

14-06-22, 16:21
If the doctor suspected that there was even a tiny chance of something serious, they definitely wouldn't let you cancel your appointment. Sounds like you can stop worrying now :)