View Full Version : Strong back pain and fluttering in rib cage- heart attack?

13-06-22, 14:21
For two days I've had a strong back pain on the left side. It's much worse when I sleep, it woke me up last night. And I woke up with fluttering in a rib cage. I am so scared. My mind tells me it must be something muscular because it worsens when I move my hand or lie down but my anxiety tells me it's over for me. And the pain is very annoying. Yesterday it stopped a few hours after waking up.

I work from home and I often work in bed with laptop so my posture is horrible. But I am still scared that is my heart, I am overweight and had high cholesterol last time I took the blood exam.

13-06-22, 14:37
Costochondritis. I have it, it sucks but it's totally benign. It's exactly what you describe. Try pushing on your sternum and see if it hurts.

If you're concerned, I'd say see a doc but this sounds absolutely identical to my costo. Take some Ibuprofen and stretch.

13-06-22, 15:49
Thanks. Back pain stopped again but it is really horrible when I try to sleep. Heart palpitations are still here occasionally.

14-06-22, 04:34
It's not heart but my back pain is still worse when I lie down and it wokes me up, so i googled and I am terrified that I have cancer, pancreatiac or metastasis from somewhere because it says that it worsens at night. It began when I slept the whole day at Saturday because I was very tired and haven't had much sleep that week. I thought that I sprained some muscle but why would it subside during the day and worsen at night especially when I sleep longer?

14-06-22, 06:49
If you have pulled or strained a muscle it can definitely feel worse after a period of inactivity. To be honest I would really avoid working in bed on your laptop, really look at the positions you work in. The Health and Safery executive over here has lots of advice on how to use display screen equipment, best position to work in etc. I would look into that and make some positive changes to the way I work.

14-06-22, 08:12
It probably is from working but I never had such a pain at night. Thank you, I must change that. I also had a lot of stress lately and I am a mess right now, this is making me insane.

18-06-22, 09:25
My pain localised under my arm, rib area and now I have a rash at exact same place. It hurts when I lie down and these days when I touch that area, it seems to me the skin itself is painful but also it seems like it's deeper and hurts when I move my arm. I really don't know anymore what this could be, google doesn't help.
I am scared that it is some internal organ damage. But then it would be pain all day I guess, it wouldn't get worse when I am sleeping and woke up in the morning. I am going to the doctor on Monday. But I am scared.

Edit: I suspected that the rash is from diclofenac because I didn't use it before, but it's suspicious that is located at the same place where pain is.

19-06-22, 00:47
Sounds like what my husband described when he had shingles..have you given that any thought? Maybe check with you doctor or pharmacist.

19-06-22, 01:09
I thought so but it feels again more deep, in rib cage, I am worried now that it is bone cancer or metastasis because it's worse after sleeping. I will go to my doctor on Monday.

Omg, I shouldn't read about shingles, it says that you can develop encephalitis and that you have weakened immune system, I've read HIV and now I am concerned. But it could be shingles because it's very itchy, I don't know.

I've had a major stress before this and it could be shingles, yes. I am scared that the pain won't subside, I've read about postherpetic neuralgia.

19-06-22, 08:21
Darlene, you have to stop "reading" and just get your doctor to make the assessment tomorrow.

If in fact you do have a rash now it could well be shingles and it's important to get it properly diagnosed and treated. Deal with what you've got rather than what your HA is telling you you've got? You don't know what you've "got" ..if anything.

19-06-22, 08:32
I work from home and I often work in bed with laptop so my posture is horrible.

Sounds muscular to me, especially given your laptop/bed habits..

19-06-22, 12:23
Darlene, you have to stop "reading" and just get your doctor to make the assessment tomorrow.

If in fact you do have a rash now it could well be shingles and it's important to get it properly diagnosed and treated. Deal with what you've got rather than what your HA is telling you you've got? You don't know what you've "got" ..if anything.

I think it's shingles because rash is very painful, everything makes sense now. I'll go to the doctor tomorrow afternon so I'll know. I am in so much fear that it can appear around or in the eye. I'll try to relax.

20-06-22, 14:10
Doctor said that it is shingles indeed. He gave me bunch of meds and I hope it will pass soon. I am scared because of googling and also I can't shower and that's the worst, during this heat wave, I don't have the AC. He said it could lead to an infection if I shower. :/ But I have a new patch under breast and I sweat a lot during heat wave so I am scared that it will lead to an infection even if I don't shower.

20-06-22, 14:19
Take the anti viral meds now. It's really important that you take them as early as possible with shingles. Don't shower. You need to follow the GP's advice here to minimise symptoms and feel better.

20-06-22, 14:45
Unfortunately, I didn't get them early, it's been a week of pain and rash is from Thursday, but I hope it will help somewhat anyway. Thank you. I won't shower. He said it should pass in couple of days with this powder so I hope it will.

20-06-22, 15:44
I know I'm boring but since I got back from the doc, I've noticed a slight pain under my breast on the other side, I am now concerned that it will spread to the other side and having shingles on both sides is a sign of underlying disease. This is making me insane. I am afraid of being hospitalized and the worst fears are in my head again...

20-06-22, 16:06
I think that it’s unlikely but that you are finding things to worry about.

I had shingles a years ago, I didn’t take the meds because I was breastfeeding at the time & it cleared up fine.

Feeling exhausted is common with shingles too.

20-06-22, 16:06
I just wrote a post about this! I have had it for a couple of months and its worse when I sleep. I have shoulder blade pain, ribs, and front of ribs :weep:

20-06-22, 16:59
Yes, this really worsened my HA, I just stopped worrying about covid and was okay and now this.
It's not so painful when I am awake but I am sleepy. But at night is horrible, after few hours of sleep.

21-06-22, 08:19
I managed to sleep tonight but I have a headache despite diclofenac and I don't know if it is from anti viral meds because it says it can be, or it is a complication enchephalitis or meningitis, I am terrified.

22-06-22, 12:43
Is it possible that after a week of rash and 10 days of pain it spreads to the eye? It's right eye and I have a rash on the left side. I woke up with a feeling of having something in the eye and I still have that feeling, the eyelid has a red part, it happened before on that eye, a lot of times (I don't know why) but since this happened to me I am afraid that it isn't a stye or something like that but shingles instead, the beginning of it. I am taking anti virals since Monday.

17-07-22, 02:42
Pain came back. It was gone two weeks ago and it is here now. I am so worried. Also, I've read that shingles increase risk of stroke and heart attack and as someone who is not healthy at all I am terrified.

19-08-22, 20:44
I think I'm having shingles again but on the right side. I have strong back pain again, the same it was back then but other side. I had big stress again and I think that's it. I can't go through that again...