View Full Version : Nipple discharge - freaking out

13-06-22, 14:38
So I took off a black bra yesterday and in the left cup, I noticed a crusty white spot right where the nipple would touch, almost like dried milk, maybe the size of a pencil eraser or slightly bigger. I've been wearing the bra for several days so IDK when it appeared, but yesterday was the first time I noticed it. I went into a spiral thinking it was discharge as what else could it possibly be? I'm 46, postmenopausal and my only child is 16 so obviously not related to pregnancy or nursing. I tried to express both breasts to see if anything else would come out, and not a drop. They look just like they always do.

I had a totally clear mammogram 2.5 months ago, but I am panicking that it missed something. :weep:

Ladies, have you ever had this happen? Do I run to the doctor? Is it just one of those things?

13-06-22, 15:02

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