View Full Version : High blood pressure reading + other symptoms.

14-06-22, 11:31
Hey. Looking for some support right now from people who know what it feels like to think the worst when it comes to health.
I’m a chronic worrier, mostly about my health despite being fit, great bmi, young (31) and healthy.
These past 2 months my anxiety has spiked and started behaving differently to what it usually does when it crops up. There has been no trigger for the anxiety, which is strange. I had been thinking about having my hormones checked as one of the main symptoms was that the smallest thing would make me so angry. My skin has become quite spotty, hot flashes and my hunger levels are off the chart. Typical teenage stuff at 31!
Anyway this last week I’ve had shortness of breath, muscle twitches and heart flutters. These have ramped up my concern. I tested my blood pressure on my mums home machine. It was high. Cue the absolute meltdown and panic. I have never had high blood pressure no matter how high my anxiety got.
I went to the doctor straight away, terrified. She tested it, she confirmed it was high.
She’s ordered and ecg and full bloods. She’s thinking firstly that it’s all just anxiety however she wouldn’t be surprised if she finds high sugar or thyroid issues.
I literally didn’t sleep last night. I appreciate these things aren’t life threatening but the thought of my blood pressure being high scares the hell out of me. I didn’t want to sleep last night in case I had a heart attack in my sleep.
Any similar experiences? Any words of advice?
Thank you if you got this far.

Pearly queen
14-06-22, 20:18
I understand your worry and frustration. I have been on medication for high blood pressure since my late thirties. I have to say it’s frustrating when you don’t tick any boxes as to why it is high. I am slim, don’t drink or smoke and am otherwise healthy. I think high blood pressure causes so much stress because every website or post about it immediately talks about it being a ‘silent killer’. I’ve never understood how that is helpful to anyone with high blood pressure. It’s something that for many years I’ve happily managed with medication. I’m currently trialling some new meds because my previous medication had caused an irritating cough. So I’m a bit stressed atm trying to get it back to normal for me. I have come to accept however that my blood pressure tends to run high. This however can be the norm for some and the perfect 120/80 is not necessarily perfect for everyone. The York Cardiologist on YouTube explains this very well. He is very reassuring and has a very calming way of explaining high blood pressure. I hope you get the answers you need and get your bp under control. But my advise is to stay away from Google 😊. Your doctor will know what to do.

15-06-22, 14:20
Thank you so much for your reply. I’m sorry you’re dealing with high BP too, but it’s reassuring to know it can be dealt with quite simply.
My tests are all next week, including a follow up BP reading, I plan to cut out salt and eat more of a fresher diet until then, just so I feel like I’m doing something to help.
I will let you know how my bloods etc. go.

Pearly queen
15-06-22, 19:25
Yes please do. It will hopefully have been a one off for you. I do know your go would not have just sent you home if they thought your bp was dangerously high.