View Full Version : A few bits of good news!

14-06-22, 20:46
1) After dealing with a 7mm kidney stone since March 31, being told I was unlikely to pass it and finally scheduling a procedure to have it removed last Thursday, June 9, I DID pass it by myself! And what's even more wonderful is that I neither saw nor felt a thing. I just woke up, went to the bathroom like normal, and it was like someone flipped a switch - all of the horrible painful, burning, urinary-urgency symptoms I'd been having for 2 months just disappeared. I asked for an X-ray before having surgery and was so happy when the urologist's office called to tell me I could cancel it! (Had an ultrasound to make sure it was the whole thing and that there are no bits left behind, and haven't gotten the results yet, but I feel great.)

2) I went to the dentist for the first time in 6 years this morning. Yes, I am embarrassed and ashamed to type that. Chalk it up to run-of-the-mill dental anxiety, lack of funds, and Covid (which I haven't had and against which I'm fully vaxxed/boosted, but which made me leery of being open-mouthed so close to another human for an extended period of time). I am even more embarrassed to admit that having worked from home for the last 2+ years, I have been more lazy than I'd like about my oral hygiene and have slacked on flossing and even brushing some days :wacko: I've made a much more valiant effort in recent weeks to be better - brushing religiously twice a day with healthy-gum toothpaste and using healthy-gum mouthwash, and flossing nightly - but I fully expected to hear, at minimum, that I had some gum disease and maybe even a cavity or two. But no! Gums are in good shape, the hygienist was surprised at how not-gross my teeth were given the 6 years since my last cleaning, and I have no new cavities. The worst news I got was that two of my old fillings need to be replaced. No fun, but definitely better than what I was anticipating being told.

3) My dad had a prostate biopsy after his doctor saw a shadow on an unrelated abdominal scan and his PSA came back elevated. The biopsy showed only an enlarged prostate, no cancer!

It's been a good week :D

15-06-22, 06:13
That is all excellent news!

15-06-22, 07:24

15-06-22, 08:09
Really pleased for you and thanks for telling us your excellent new on all fronts!

You must be so relieved about your dad too!

15-06-22, 09:48
Thank you all so much!

You must be so relieved about your dad too!

Yes, very relieved! Though truth be told, the doctor himself said there was probably only a 15%-25% chance that it was going to be, and if it did end up being cancer, it was most likely the kind that was so slow-growing it probably wouldn't even require treatment, just monitoring. Still, my dad has several health issues and nobody wanted to see even a slow-growing cancer added to his plate. So we were extremely grateful to get those negative results!

17-06-22, 20:37
I love a bit of good news. Good on you for posting this here!

17-06-22, 22:40
I love a bit of good news. Good on you for posting this here!

I agree! We need more positive posts. Even a small victory is good!