View Full Version : Arm/shoulder pain for 8 months. Boney mets?

16-06-22, 10:37
Please can anyone talk me down?
I’ve had a burning pain in my upper arm for about 8 months now. At first I brushed it off as nothing, thinking I was just sleeping on it funny. But now, after all these months, I’m worrying it could be something more sinister…like bone mets.
The pain happens if I use my arm in certain ways, like trying to itch my back, push the toaster latch down, or lift my arm above shoulder height. Sometimes I hear my shoulder click, but not often.
I’m worried that no injury should still be painful after all these months, so it must be something more serious.
I have had some breast issues which are being followed up over a series of months, so now I’m scared that my arm pain could be a symptom of secondary cancer associated with my breast issues.
Does anyone have any knowledge of arm/shoulder issues that can be ongoing for so long and still be benign?

16-06-22, 17:23
It could be tension?

Alternatively, I had a lot of pain in my upper arm/shoulder a few years back and basically saw a physiotherapist, got some exercises, did them and the pain went.

17-06-22, 07:09
When this happened to me it was arthritis in my shoulder..

17-06-22, 16:30
Could you tell me more about your symptoms please Nora? This did cross my mind because my mum’s arthritis started in her 40s (albeit not in her arm, but her knee and fingers) I’m 38, so I did wonder if it might be a possibility.
Obviously my stupid brain is catastrophising about cancer as usual, but I’d like to know more about arthritis symptoms if you’d care to share?

18-06-22, 07:57
Could you tell me more about your symptoms please Nora?

Pain in my shoulder and lack of mobility. Lots of weird noises and joint sensations..

If you've ever done manual work or played sports then arthritis is even more likely..(wear and tear)

18-06-22, 12:49
I can give you direct experience of this , I started getting pain in my shoulder , basically I couldn't elevate my arm without getting s very sharp pain. Funny thing was I just woke up with it one day I had never had any problems like this before It was quite annoying and impacted me day to day. I never went to the Dr though , i tried various exercises , and it took almost a full year to go away which it did completely, weird!!.

21-06-22, 13:04
If you've ever done manual work or played sports then arthritis is even more likely..(wear and tear)

I was a nurse, but I quit a few years back. I always thought that job would cause problems with my back in the future but I guess I never really considered my shoulder/arm.

21-06-22, 13:05
Thanks Sleepless. Hopefully it’s just one of those things. I honestly don’t think I’d be so worried about it if it weren’t for my breast cancer scare that I’m going through!

21-06-22, 15:50
I was a nurse, but I quit a few years back. I always thought that job would cause problems with my back in the future but I guess I never really considered my shoulder/arm.

Lots of having to move patients about though eh? Works those shoulder joints...

02-07-22, 12:08
I had some similar shoulder pain and it was from sleeping on that side. Turns out I had rotator cuff tendinitis. Basically calcification in an area of my shoulder that was rubbing the tendon but only in certain positions. You can ask your Dr to do an xray and send you to a physiatrist (that's the dr that treated me). I ended up doing physical therapy and cortisone shots. (And it lasted a long time, I dealt with it for a couple years)

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