View Full Version : Slow urine flow at 37

19-06-22, 12:38
About a week ago I started having a weaker urine flow. I'm 37 and even google doesn't overly concern me but I'm not sure why jt would suddenly come on? It hasn't improved either. Anyone else had this?

19-06-22, 20:51
Are you a man or woman?

20-06-22, 00:26
Hi Willous,

I am male approaching mid 50s. I have some experience with reduced urine flow. I've been to hospital and had a procedure to check it out with an offer afterwards to have a further operation & medication to assist with flow. These days they do those kind of operations like handing out lollypops.

I kindly turned down the offer as I did not beleive it was warranted (such opens a door to more complications not often told/sold) from my own perspective. Long story short I have been living with a weak bladder since my late 30s [started with slow urine flow] and once I understood what was happening have been able to navigate by learning the causes and turning to holistic solutions that when doing well actually help without the need for operations and medications.

I can't say for sure what the deal is with yourself but generally speaking a number of things straight off the bat that can affect unrainy output could be anything from, medications, dehydration, infections all the way down to unrainy tract blockages typically in males cause by an enlarge prostate. The later also as common as operations and taking medications to get better flow.

Enlarged prostate although reported to be more an issue with men in their 50's, I presented in a clinical whilst in my later 30s. It's actually normal from 30 onwards for the prostate to start enlarging. Turns out mine was a little more enlarged than most for my age most likely due to a bad diet, [stones/blockages] bouts of obesity and other various environmental factors. Yadda yadda.

But yea - whist it may not be that ... typically an enraged bladder will result in reduced flow ... Here's an quick extract from: Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate (BPH) (https://www.newyorkurologyspecialists.com/bph/treatment/younger-men/) in Young Men Under Age 45

"Sometimes, men as young as in their 30’s and 40’s develop bothersome symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Commonly there may be a need to wake up to pass urine at night, slow urine stream ..." Cited from above link.

​"Symptomatic BPH is not very common in men who are aged 30-39 but a significant enough number of men start to show symptoms of enlarged prostate at this age. Typically, symptoms are mild but occasionally symptoms are ..." Cited from above link.

Forgive my passion to waffle on about things I can relate to. Enlarge prostate early on can also be nothing more than a slight infection where you may find the symptoms a non issue later on. Again - other things like:

Late evening beverages
Caffeine & Alcohol
Decongestants or Antihistamines
Not going when you feel the urge (Very Common these days not enough trees and too many laws) [can lead to enlarged prostate]

Not urinating again after the initial outlet [can lead to issues ... ]

Not eating clean diet
Medications can also lead to UTIs which can inflame the prostate gland

All those bits and pieces can have an affect on one of the other. Some of the treatments also themselves coming with side affects.

Sudden onset could also be something as simple as nerves/anxiety.

Admittedly I am pretty much all of the above (to varying degrees based on the points outlined) and consider it fairly natural given the way this world is and that I'm now in my mid 50s but yea ... I started dealing with similar issues when one day I noticed I was starting to dribble. Is as common as gall balder disease in this modern age.

An age where food is mostly fake, beverages are poison and pissing on a tree is forbidden. Laugh's out loud. You'll get used to waking up as the years progress.

Just do the right thing and be sure wipe the drips as you get older so you don't have bigger issues with family members, spouses or house mates.

Good luck nailing any of the above.

Sometimes we just got to accept that life happens. ; )

20-06-22, 00:50
I agree with much of what Ponder said. I'm in my 60's and started having flow issues in my 50's. It was from prostate issues. I was getting up 3-4x a night to go and it took what seemed like forever to get things flowing and it was weak at that. I brought it up with my doctor last year and he put me on a med that has helped a bit but still, I get up 1-2x a night and it takes forever to get going and its a weak flow. Definitely a prostate issue based on exams and heredity. My father has had the same issue (so thanks Dad). I can deal with it for now so that's what I'm doing. The next step would be a procedure to open things up but I'm not there yet... We'll see :shrug:


21-06-22, 09:55
Thank you both, I love this forum at times! I'm a male and quite stressed at the moment so that may not help.

22-06-22, 09:41
I filled in an online consultation with my doctors and now they want me to have a PSA test and come in to the surgery in 3 weeks, feel sick.

22-06-22, 10:34
I know where your heads going but you are very unlikely to have PCa at 37. Do you have any family history of it..close relatives, father, uncle brothers? More than likely it will be BPH. As men age the Prostate does get larger, perhaps you’re getting a head start.

When are you going for your psa test?

22-06-22, 10:49
PSA test is on Friday, I don't have any family members with history of Prostate Cancer. I have also had issues with waking up in the night for over 20 years etc. so I am not as concerned as I usually would be with my health. However, i worry that if the PSA test is high (even though it doesn't necessarily mean PC then I will not be able to cope with the panic). I hear that some people have Prostate Cancer and it sometimes does not spread which is odd.

22-06-22, 13:57
BPH can raise PSA levels, so yes a raised level does not have to mean PCa and you have no family history which is good.
It is very slow growing generally and if caught early, totally treated with curative intent. But this is getting ahead..you are very young and have no reason to even think of this.
Results will probably be back in a week so you don’t have to wait around for your 3 week appointment. Just give the surgery a ring.

Good luck on Friday but I doubt you’ll need it… let us know how you get on.