View Full Version : Think I caused my acid reflux

19-06-22, 23:42
Hey everyone, so I have suffered from anxiety and health anxiety for a number of years. The last few months have been particularly stressful and I have been fighting against heart worries as usual. One thing I have started doing though which is new for me over the last few months is tensing my stomach, which has essentially caused pain, tightness and like a burning feeling inside my stomach and throat and sometimes have burped up food. Is tensing and bad posture something that could contribute to acid reflux?


20-06-22, 01:45
I have no idea if it’s due to posture, I don’t remember reading anything about that. It’s certainly a symptom of anxiety though.
Have you had any help with your anxiety?

20-06-22, 10:18
Hi Gadgirl, I have also been tensing my stomach muscles in a new exercise regime and it definitely caused a reaction with acid reflux and continuous burping, so I obviously stopped. I've noticed it also happens when I do deep breathing exercises as well.

24-06-22, 14:46
I have read that bad posture, especially while eating can lead to stomach upset.