View Full Version : Bad taste in mouth after starting new toothpaste

21-06-22, 01:40
Hey guys, I recently started using a new toothpaste from the dentist. I have not had any issues like this before using it. I went to the dentist 5 days ago and they gave me a little travel size toothpaste and mouth wash that I haven’t used before. However since yesterday, now I’ve noticed a metallic taste in my mouth after using it that lasts a very long time. Even after two hours food doesn’t even taste good and can taste bad because of that taste in my mouth.

I am really freaked out. I’m going to stop using it obviously but what if this permanently damaged my taste buds or what if I have something very serious going on?? I’m trying not to Google but just feeling panicked. Has anyone else had a bad experience with toothpaste? I read some reviews of people complaining of the same thing…I hope it’s the toothpaste that is doing it.. :( this is just giving me a lot of anxiety and I am trying to remain calm but I’m scared that this is something serious going on.

They obviously just did X-rays and stuff and although i have some cavities to be filled there’s nothing else concerning going on with my teeth regarding infections or anything.

21-06-22, 18:25
Nothing at all to worry about. You have a very simple cause --> effect. No permanent damage, nothing serious going on or anything like that. Just introduced something new to your body and your body is getting used to it.

22-06-22, 13:50
Thank you so much for your response! I did stop using that toothpaste ( I think the last time was Monday night ) but I still have that bad taste in my mouth. When I woke up this morning I didn’t notice it, but after I started thinking about it and brushed my teeth again it’s back full force. I’m eating mints but it’s not helping much. I am now worried that I have kidney disease or failure and that’s what this is. In two weeks I leave for a vacation I have been planning over a year for and I am so terrified that this will ruin it.

I do take comfort in seeing that some reviews experienced something similar after using that toothpaste.

23-06-22, 13:52
Nothing at all to worry about. You have a very simple cause --> effect. No permanent damage, nothing serious going on or anything like that. Just introduced something new to your body and your body is getting used to it.

I LOVE this response!!