View Full Version : Help, I’m going down the rabbit hole

21-06-22, 17:26
I posted last year about getting eczema at the age of 64. In the end the dermatologist diagnosed pityriasis rosacea and apart from problem patches on my face which are weather related, with steroid cream treatment and moisturisers the problem has been pretty much solved. Hurrah. Now onto another problem which is once again my body deciding to attack itself. I had to go to emergency eye care at the hospital after the optician sent me straight there - I had a painful red eye which I thought was from pollen allergy as my eyes are easily irritated. I have uveitis which is an inflammation of the iris. So far, so good, pleased to have a diagnosis and a problem that’s fixable. I had to have an injection in the eye and prior to that dilating eye drops and an anaesthetic in the eye. Immediately after the treatment I had an allergic reaction - facial tingling, trembling, flushed face, tachycardia and raised blood pressure, so was kept under observation for a good hour before I could go home. The doctor thought it was from the anaesthetic drops because he’d asked if I was allergic to shellfish and I said yes but with tingling etc not full anaphylactic shock. Apparently something in the anaesthetic eye drops can produce a reaction. Anyway I was sent home with steroid eye drops and more dilating eye drops. Turns out that using the dilating eye drops again caused a similar reaction but without the tingling this time so after speaking to him I was advised to discontinue them and he will decide what to do next at my follow up on Thursday.

But now I’ve worked myself into a state because I’m totally on edge about side effects of drugs (I always get them) I’m dreading my follow up appointment on Thursday because I will have to have more dilating drops for him to be able to see the back of my eye. I don’t want to eat, I have an upset tummy, keep getting dizzy and I can’t get my brain off the repetitive thought process. I’m sure these are anxiety responses rather than the eye problem. Unfortunately because of the uveitis and eye drops I’ve lost some peripheral vision so I can’t read and am keeping away from bright light. But I’m frightened of both the new symptoms I have and the familiar ones from anxiety. I live alone and struggle with my thoughts at the best of times. I can have the telly on or listen to the radio and nothing goes in, my brain is just trying to frighten me the whole time.

How on earth can I distract myself and stop this spiral? Hot weather doesn’t agree with me, naturally, and I have to get up very early to walk my dog safely and she’s getting fed up with a human who just lies or sits around feeling sorry for herself. Thanks for reading.

22-06-22, 07:51
Immediately after the treatment I had an allergic reaction - facial tingling, trembling, flushed face, tachycardia and raised blood pressure, so was kept under observation for a good hour before I could go home.

This basically describes what happens to me with local anaesthetic... (and I was fine with it before developing fibromyalgia)