View Full Version : Worried incision isn’t healing properly.

21-06-22, 18:32
I had a lesion removed from my cheek over 3 weeks ago with 4 stitches. I’ve become pre-occupied and fearful it won’t heal. It is red and appears indented. There has been little improvement since stitches were removed. I was told face heals more quickly. My fear is I will have delayed healing a chronic wound and a permanent dent in my face from it not filling in. I take pictures daily and am depressed at the progress. Please help anyone who has been through this!

21-06-22, 18:56
Just keep it clean and it will heal. Stop taking pictures of it, I know that it sounds hard but in essence you are doing the same thing by taking pictures of it that the rest of us do when we Google our symptoms.

You know the expression "a watched pot never boils?" well a photographed cut never heals.

21-06-22, 20:26
Just keep it clean and it will heal. Stop taking pictures of it, I know that it sounds hard but in essence you are doing the same thing by taking pictures of it that the rest of us do when we Google our symptoms.

You know the expression "a watched pot never boils?" well a photographed cut never heals.

Thank you for the response. You’re right. I see why health anxiety is closely related OCD. And the narrative in my health anxiety head is it will not heal right or will heal incorrectly in which I will be mortified because it’s on my face.

21-06-22, 20:36
Totally understand the concern! I'm sure I would feel the same way but it will heal just fine and you'll look as lovely as ever. Just try to not focus on it and if you desperately feel the need to take pics, take one once a week and then you will see progress. Taking one every single day isn't going to show much of anything.

22-06-22, 10:29
I had a lesion removed from my cheek over 3 weeks ago with 4 stitches. I’ve become pre-occupied and fearful it won’t heal. It is red and appears indented. There has been little improvement since stitches were removed. I was told face heals more quickly. My fear is I will have delayed healing a chronic wound and a permanent dent in my face from it not filling in. I take pictures daily and am depressed at the progress. Please help anyone who has been through this!

Try some visualisation where you 'see' your skin healing. Your skin is healing but stress will slow things down as the fight or flight response, when triggered, will divert blood away from the face and into muscles in your arms and legs etc.

I had a very deep cut to my finger earlier this year and now there's a barely visible silver line. Other than that, you'd never know that there had been a problem. The body is amazing..

Stop fixating on what you can see in the mirror. Work on your mind and things will speed up...

22-06-22, 10:41
Facial surgical flaws can take forever to heal. When I had my BCC removed, the scab lasted about 3 weeks and I didn't get feeling back in the area for several months.

22-06-22, 16:13
Sorry about your bcc! My friend had that too. Does your scar look better now?