View Full Version : Hepatitis/HIV fears

21-06-22, 18:43

so at work today when I finished my drink I found a fingernail in the bottom of the glass that’s not mine. I spat it out, but now I’m worried someone did it deliberately and they either also added drops of blood that are HIV positive or the fingernail was dirty and now I’m going to get a hepatitis virus 😪

21-06-22, 18:50
I wouldn't spend a second worrying about that. Your brain is catastrophizing something that is extremely, extremely unlikely. You aren't going to get HIV or Hep from this.

The worst thing that is going to happen from this situation already happened. Finding a fingernail in your glass is disgusting enough so there is no need to make it worse than it is.

I once took a tour of the Sears Tower (no longer called that) in Chicago and accidentally put my finger in a piece of gum stuck under the seat I was sitting on and spent a few weeks convinced I was going to end up with HIV, so I get the thought process.